The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

that’s not snarky, she’s just considering stuff

Why is everyone being a bystander, fuck.

She cant consider I am town voting the wolf roleblocker

like this is just plain mean, i don’t see the snark at all in wind, but you’re the one being toxic

Just how tired I am of this game

Like, obviously I should be contemplating Phraze (or Bionic), but at the same time like

Lee is partnered hard with Bystander due to Bystander wrongly meta clearing him

You have been my tunnel for basically the entire game, even with people going “Oh Frost is just like that”, because I haven’t liked your posts much and because I have found you lackluster and always just on the edge of consensus.

Sheep I’ve felt has been wolfing since like partway through d3 because he had kept pushing the PoE even as we found ourselves going “Wait, shit, this isn’t it, we’re wrong somewhere”

Phraze is the slot I’d most likely replace Sheep with as a wolf, in part because of how she interacted with the thread and Bystander specifically, in part because there’s this constant wolfiness to all. And yet, I just do not see Phraze coming in and counter claiming Bystander like that if partners. Especially considering how otherwise consensus she has been. Very ??? Which at a certain point just becomes “Yeah, you’re town, okay”

And Bionic just reads like town that has lost all wim and honestly shouldn’t even be alive right now, and is as such just meme’ing it up while occasionally adding his own take to things. It reminds me to a degree of how I play (when I’m not essentially coerced into being a town leader)

There is no one else that can do roleblock / Jail Wind at N4 except me or Sheep.

There is concrete evidence that I am planning ahead to holster.

To fucking holster and she cant understand the simplicity.


Its a alien concept to her.

it looks like trying to make it looke like a v/w on a w/w

Yeah imagine not online for 6 hours before EoD, this solving on this game sucked.

So I am clearly not in my good game, have you read Olympians game?

Very funny for you to try to use a previous game when weren’t you the one who was going “I don’t care about other games, I only care about the game in front of me” near the beginning of this whole thing?

This was during while I play on this game and even ended.

And you know what I did? I went from zero to hero.

I caught two wolves by the way

So please, dont even get started its nothing like previous town games I am in.

Because this is not how meta works.

If I can play here with that same solving as on Olympians, then thats what I am doing for hours and only to get shat on, pwn3d wolf please die so we can move on

Except there wont be a move on.

@Apocryphal well if you insist to read that game I mentioned thats fine.

Look, I’ve been lurking here and reading the thread, I just wanted to see if Frost was gonna continue what he’s doing. I haven’t taken offense to anything.

But @Frostwolf103, regardless of your alignment, please cut the AtE. It’s not helping your case. If you want to spew me as not w/w with you, fine, whatever, but please find more civil ways to do it.

I refuse to engage with you if you’re just going to complain that i shouldn’t be pushing you. Your entire defense at this point consists of trust tell requests and AtE, and I’m having none of it. If you want to convince me you’re town, find a better way to do it.

I am not going to argue with you about the semantics of it or whether you’re AtEing or I’m AtEing. It’s not worth my time, and it’s probably not worth yours, either. If you’re town, then focus on helping us solve the game instead of trying to convince me to believe you at your word that you holstered because you said you would.

Anyway, good night thread, don’t hammer. I don’t care if we all think Frost is a wolf. Don’t hammer early.

@WindwardAway this is what I was looking for from frost to determine if it was a perspective slip or not.

I think Frost thinks sheep is now Lockwolf which is why he said he had voted two wolves.

Idk why it took him so long to say this tho

But you could’ve lied from Wind’s perspective