The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

I think the best way to beat the mafia mind game is not execute in either sheep/wind/frost, they will have to force and kill one of us to keep the blame game up.

Me and wind may be on same page, thinking we may have won that mind game, but it would be mistake to execute there.

Siding and go against each other, that is what me, wind and sheep have been doing all day.

The reason I said Wind is lying is purely telling that this is a waste of time looking at the elephant in the room, there is 66% wrong and only 33% correct to make a choice, and I dont want to take this risk at start, keeping it quiet would have been for the best to figure who is roleblocking you, wind.

He was seen visiting tutuu on N1 so he can’t be the N3 cop
Couldve been the N1/N3 tracker though

That’s not how it works, though
Wolves will never kill in the thunderdome unless all wolves in the thunderdome are dead already
Because they don’t want to spew themselves lol

That’s not true
Any 2 of us can be partnered in the thunderdome
There is AT LEAST ONE town and AT LEAST ONE wolf
Meaning it can be 1:2 or 2:1 and honestly I am not sure which one it is

Anyway keeping quiet would do nothing, you would just push me on the basis that I didn’t claim my track results right away so like why does that matter.

That is my plan since today, i’d rather remove this rule of three and go for the remaining five, three town and two wolves.

I’m confused, doesn’t that mean a lower chance of flipping a wolf?

Either me or sheep would out the results, watch who pushes you first.

My motive to call you out…well, i’d say its different

I holstered for the reason I anticipate this scenario will likely happen because you are the weakest chain.

Is it better than 33% though?

However socially Apo, Bionic and Luxy are much better than Phraze and Lee.

There is a chance of deepwolves from Apo, Bionic and Luxy, but I doubt it

50% goes 100%

It’s not a 33% that’s the issue
If 2 people out of the 3 of us are wolves then it’s a 66% chance
So really, the possibilities are:

Frost + sheep
Frost + wind
Sheep + wind

So isn’t that like a 50% chance for a wolf flip?

Socially Bionic is better than Phraze and Lee? Lol?
Do you really think that, after Bionic has spent so much effort pushing and voting you, and you’ve also pushed him back? I thought you kept saying you wanted to resolve him today.

Yeah and I didn’t track you because I knew regardless of whether you actually holstered or not, I might be blocked, and I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. I just figured sheep has absolutely no reason to holster unless he lied and doesn’t have an action that night.

I looked into Zug’s Iso after I said this. Fair point, Bionic may be better than Phraze and Lee, but not as good like Luxy and Apo.

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Zug’s perspective about me, Bystander and Bionic has been…refreshing