The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

Idk if u saw I’ve been tinfoiling there pretty hard want to know how sheepable u think u are in like for example f3 lol

I think I’ve played quite a few games with her at this point
we played in champs together too
Most recent was Anni

I’m of the firm opinion we never touch Apo

Ok thanks :skull:

If I lose to Apo wolf I can fully blame you no take-backs

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Gg and stuff of u die and stuff

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You can’t read her off her read accuracy but you can read her off her content and she’s had enough content to be town (who has been genuinely frustrated without seeing a wolf flip)

Her role isn’t mechanically proven, though, so it’s not like there’s any mech showing she’s town

But yeah I’d lose to her if she’s a wolf, I really don’t believe she is

I mean in Anni she vigged Mac when he was like towncleared out of paranoia

And the amount of paranoia she’s had in this game about being snowed sounds about right for what I’d expect as town, she’s not tinfoiling as if they’re agenda pushes

The caveat is just that if phraze is town and was blocked on N3 then who the hell blocked her :sweat_smile:

I don’t think it points exclusively to Apo, there’s a whole bunch of us including myself who aren’t mech confirmed

I do think she has a tendency to get mostly townread at some point by the middle of the game as town, and then tinfoiled incorrectly in the endgame, whereas when she’s a wolf she just gets caught and flips? There’s like a different pattern to it, and for people who haven’t seen her town game I think it’s a common thing to scumread her. But once you see her wolf game you can kinda clearly see the difference. Unless she’s like, unpolarized herself here, but I highly doubt it.

When she’s alive at the end of the game as town it’s almost always because something in her reads is incorrect and so she’s easy for wolves to push an agenda on

Which is why I’ve avoided that by locktowning her

I do think she may have been right this whole time on Frost, but also she doesn’t have strong threadpull despite being towncore so that’s also a contributing factor that I can see as to why she’s alive

(she’s also like much more prone to paranoia and tinfoiling than the average town player, so wolves can manipulate that to their advantage)

Any other questions?

…now I’m wondering when I last saw an Apo wolfgame
I’m pretty sure it was within the last year or so?

Last year’s champs game I think, lmao???

Oh yeah that was probably it lol

And anyone who reads that would see clear night and day difference between that and this

I remember it being super noticeable