The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

Also, good job convincing me Frost was actually a wolf lol? I’m sorry Frost :sweat_smile:

Also sorry for catching bystander for the wrong reasons but that’s kinda funny, I paired her with Frost and unpaired her with Phraze at the end lol

At least my towncore was fine, though, Apo and Luxy were town

I did have a doubt that sheep was a wolf and Frost was town, but if I’d acted on it I would’ve voted outside the thunderdome and probably on Lee which also would’ve ended the game lol

Frost’s reads were good :sob:


The holster FPS wouldnt have been necessary, but this is exactly against Sheep in case he betrays.

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If I have done it sooner, I wouldnt be in that position.

I blame myself on lack of motivation and putting unreasonable SoD/EoD for my timezone

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It’s ok, I was also very unmotivated to stay up later or else I would’ve waited until the last moment to vote :sweat_smile:

Sheep’s posts were actually sus by that point but for whatever reason I thought it was a sign you might be paired lol

I was a bit afraid of attempting a CFD to sheep first and screwing up the wagons so that wolves would have contro, so I didn’t

Partially the trigger

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So we engaged keyboard warrior fight

(Piss me off and I am not going to hold it)


Man I can’t believe it was bystander and phraze who were the two wolves in that interaction lol

I was like… If bystander knew she was in no danger of being hammered, she wouldn’t be worried about Phraze at all

But because she ignored phraze and turned her attention to you, I thought she was trying to keep some theater going, only I had the wrong names in it :sweat_smile:

I mean, it read as very fake from bystander which is why I was like, yeah we should just flip her lol

I just thought the entire thing was fake because it was so weird

Yeah it would make the game less frustration, but that’s kinda enough for them to finish me off

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Unfortunate that it was so late in the game tbh
Imagine if we’d stuck with Bionic instead of Marluna on D3

Its weird because…?

Where does this thought of train lead, you never asked this yourself.

I was entirely right to read Bionic off of gamestate and not posts but lol

Not to mention D2 with 5 votes I reckon

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About the thing with you and bystander and phraze popping in? I did, I discussed it for quite a while but I agreed with Luxy that you and bystander looked like wolves, and phraze was wolfiest of the three of you

But I thought your reaction was worse than bystander’s for whatever reason, and bystander was still wolfy so I concluded all three of you had to be wolves

I was just not sure about phraze because she had a very wolfy vig claim by the timing of it, but it didn’t occur to me that it was entirely possible we could CFD off of a wolf onto another wolf

Or it did, but I just got tired of thinking by the last day