The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

I’m a brunette with long, pettable hair <3

Oh, that’s kinda embarrassing because I thought that was follow-up after the last post.

ah okay
im asking because im mistaking you for someone else :slight_smile:

I’ve never played on this server before sooo

lowkey had the same thought so first post got me thinking frost but ill try not to conf bias myself sub double digit posts. (no promises :slight_smile: )

wording specifically about posting slower as mafia irks me. I dont know if I see a town player making an assumption this large from the previous interaction here.

:upside_down_face: (offically confbiased now btw my mind probably wont change)

legally and for memes this is also obviously wolfy because im town

ez win

i’ve played with a “Crestheart” on Pro Mafia
they coached me a bit

We will be probably with two thousands of posts by end of FIRST day. You get used to this probably.

What’s your current impression?

rereading this its very apparent that I should have added a tldr as I dont think anyone sane will actually understand this with no context of my brain

what about it is hard to understand
the only thing i didn’t get is exactly why you don’t like the wording about posting slower

I didnt sleep last night so my brain is at half power, myabe its less confusing than I thought

I just think its weird for him to jump to “Why do you think I post slower as a wolf” from what you did, since you never made any real reference to it being a wolf tell

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my worldview very clealy shows Frost/idot W/W and I choose to accept this

stop copying our homework!

I mean, how do I expect to refute this, other than that’s your opinion bro?

2,000 posts on 48 hours is good by me.

500 posts in a week is excruciating though!

I’m a conservative voter though in general. You’ll never see me vote in RVS.

VOTE: Frostwolf103

did I do that right

what do you have on any of us lol
“idot TR frostwolf” & “idot thinks we are w/w with wrongboy”

Not really my problem to figure out so I cant help you their unfortunatley

Why are we being so defensive over the clearly insane towny wolfreading you 2 hours into d1 smh

Well its your tell, so it’s your problem now. Nerd.

Also I don’t like your suggestion about everyone should soft their roles.

also just be glad you have more than “Gut” with me smh iv come a long way

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