The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

tbf im pretty sure that was a meme, nobody realistically dumb enough to do that

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people usually have a strategy when posting, or at least i’d like to think so

i didn’t know what’s zug’s strategy but i like to give benefit of the doubt that when i don’t understand something, people still have a good reason to be posting something

so my guess was that he thought if i post slow im mafia. and if i post fast im town

the alternative - not having an assumption, which you claim to like - that would mean that i have no hope that people are playing with the intent of doing stuff, and are just posting for the sake of chit chatting and nothing more. that sounds like a pessimistic mindset to me

-t 11/50

hey town my role is protective
i hope wolves try to kill achro tonight

That’s what I responded him, I won’t soft.

only half a meme

but its to convoluted for me to try to explain any more on what the fuck that means


sometimes i do
other times I throw words into the air and see what I catch


are you tutuu

im not signing posts

Glad to able entertain you in the meantime.

do you go out of your way to ask the question like that as town tho? From a town perspective can you explain what you thought youd gain (if anything?) by asking that question? Im personally struggling to see that side of it myself so that might help me some

this is unfortunate


Was anyone really going to do that though?

Like especially when the signups say scum has this insane poisoner role that can target 5 people at once

why would i go out of my way to ask questions? specifically the “go out of my way” part. asking questions isnt going out of my way, thats … the only way i have. the highway. what else am i supposed to do to win but ask questions?

i thought that it was an odd post from zug so i asked for an explanation. because he’s never seen me wolf. i wanted to understand why was that important to him. me posting quickly. wolfing is hard; making coherent/logical posts as wolf is harder than as town

-t 12/50

That can tell about me, no?

I think the point is that the point is that u came to a conclusion as to why before asking, at least thats my understanding of the situation, and i could see why that might ring alarm bells because it makes u come off as worried.

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The question is however, will the mafia step in the spotlight while we’re talking about this, if yes then who?

honestly it’s kinda the opposite for me
coherent / logical posts, though harder, aren’t too bad
they can be edited and thought over

whereas for me it’s the spur of the moment, vibes, and mindset things (which tend to be less logical) that are harder to fake

meaning, “though harder than they are as town”

i see. i can see that. i can be a bit presumptuous sometimes. but … well. in a normal social situation its good to not be. but no harm in doing it in a mafia game. putting on more pressure, being a bit more aggressive, that sort of stuff. get the ball going. you don’t need to be like perfectly reasonable to win mafia games

-t 13/50