The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

Disco Forever. @Host_Account_1



Whoa what, Atlas The White after being shade of Gray?

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im not sure. personally i would have protected you n1 if i was a protective


so what, did you vig me?


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i’m not a threat, i usually get ignored
i psyche you out for reactions, which i always get
i support people and their ideas. i can’t win on my own, most of the time. some games are exceptions, of course, but i’m likely never to be the most important player currently alive
but that doesnt mean you shouldn’t be afraid of me, for if i am something to be feared, it’ll be regretful for your tens of games afterwords

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so hows garfooled doing, tutuu?

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achro’s role of giving people the weak modifier is pro-town, i argue, even if achro’s alignment is mafia. weak modifier is pro-town. turns people into desperados


she’s good ^-^

chillin, killin

she wasnt too active as i said because she was also unhappy with general toxicity itt. and in general she only played coz she could hydra she didnt have the time or motivation to commit to a solo slot. she might come and play later. i think thread vibes are better this day phase, much better


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im glad i can still scare you
im not as adorable as you make me out to be

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real talk the only time i get scared of you is when i mess up a pronoun. other than that you’re like a plush toy, to me



is that so?
i’d say i’d need to work on myself, but
the way you’ve been acting, welllll

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Votecount as of P#2874

beancat (3): Millium, Atlas, idot
hal (1): SultanOfSlam
Psyaryu (1): wrongboy
SultanOfSlam (1): Frostwolf103

Not Voting (7): Kiiruma, hal, Psyaryu, Trisscar, Achromatic, Crescent, beancat

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i will amuse you and play along. i believe that you think i will feel anxious at the “welllll”

so. coughs

w-what do you mean by well? h-h-have i been acting fine? gulps


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is this a roleplaying thing! i’m pretty okay at it, to be truly honest.

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am i realllyyy that scary that you’re resorting to images, tutuuu?


atlas on their way to beat my ass up


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