The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

Oh wow, so youre now vanilla?
But once were pr?


Im either tired or stupid. So you think wrongboy visited you made you vanilla and have them as neutral?

They processed this during twilight time, not by end of night 1, from these posts make me believe they are responsible.

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TBC that was your wording from the earlier game not mine. I understans now that you did not do that this game

Everybody Saw You Soft

You Were Not Subtle

I did not see a soft lol

Wrongboy is making this up, obviously

So what can I possibly be, the only one who could have disabled my ability has to be you.

And you pick t9 vote me over wrong boy you have extra reasons to hate wrongboy

Because I believe Wrongboy is Neutral, not mafia.

I will ask @Kiiruma about something.

And you think im mafia okay. Got itā€¦

I obviously am not mafia but if im going to follow all your arguments id kill wrong boy he is either scum or neutral he should die.

While I am not ruling out you may be town yet, would Wrongboy indeed flip mafia rather than neutral.

I simply disagree with one mafia or two on Someoneā€™s wagon.

That is why I am looking outside of this main wagon, no really I am not counting Psyaryu.

Frost, Sultan, I tr both of you. Yet you vote for each other. Come tell papa Achro why my children are fighting?

@Millium @Atlas @idot

please tag me with your scum case on bean, I thought there was a marked difference here compared to the times I have seen them scum.

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Look at my tinfoil hat


Itā€™s a lovely hat, but it doesnā€™t make sultan scum.