The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!


Nevertheless, carry on Hal.

VOTE: kiiruma

All of this for the difference between 3 votes and 4? Spare us your simpering, knave.

Found the scum. See you post game.

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Fair enough I guess, not too much to really read into

Hey, glad to see you woke up and got your early stretching done

I am mostly afk this game due to other commitments but that post was performative af my friend.

Eh, I mean honestly I just figured it was weird to see how easily votes were gained there.
And when I was explaining why I figured to explain about what I typically see vs what I saw here.
I have nothing mechanical atm, might get something tonight.

can u vote a wolf and tunnel them again like the last game we played together?

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if i was robyn iā€™d tell wisp that heā€™s not gonna be the second nk

Uh I have like almost nothing to go off rn.

VOTE: Frostwolf103

Wolf by name, wolf by nature perhaps.
Idk Iā€™ll be honest I didnā€™t read every post, thatā€™s why I was a bit miffed that I saw a bunch of votes focused already.


they strike me as very towny

Ok thatā€™s fine, Iā€™ll read up and maybe come to my own conclusions in a bit.
I literally just said I hadnā€™t read x3

vote derps with me so that i can zenon law them out of the game d1

Honestly whatā€™s struck me as weird is your insistence that the RVS phase was. Youā€™ve stuck to this point, but it also feels like youā€™re making no attempt to break down why it was weird, aside from a meta point about the # of votes that I disagree with. You havenā€™t made any attempt to actually get to the heart of it: If itā€™s weird, then you should naturally think scum is involved. If you think scum is involved, why do you come in that way and then not make any attempt to dissect the players who voted? It comes off as something cheap and youā€™re just saying just to say it.

Oh he ninjaed me with a super weak vote. Neat.


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Iā€™ll be honest thatā€™s anothe reason why Iā€™d voted Frost since Frost was one of the voters.
I just decided to do a jokey thing too since itā€™s sorta RVS-ish time still.





iā€™d have posted this in a more abstracted way cause this is classic robyn stylistically, but now that iā€™m outed i can post this now instead of it being my first post

VOTE: Kiiruma

also gonna add tutuu slot to towns, i just wolfed with her and her posting is v different here