The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

That’s a fair point to make but as someone even said here “What if you had sent a fake card” or something like that, which is probably something that Derps had considered. A role which can just give feedback to a player seems like something which would be 100% feasible for Zone to put into a game after all. But in the end SDA just drew a conclusion

Hey @Psyaryu can I get you to continue going over Achromatics ISO with me, or possibly someone elses?

I wouldnt assume a fake card because thats inherently bastard and extremely unfun to play around. Unless like the OP stated their could be false info, id have to check.

But even false info isnt as extreme as giving out fake role cards, thats just straight up bastard mech

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Do think sending a fake rolecard would be considered bastard tbf, even without it being an actual “card” or something.

Doesn’t explicitly mention about false info.
But Derps several times kept saying how I’m just town. So you know the mech came from me.

Then why the hell did Derp hedge, jesus christ guys

I don’t fucking know.
Do I look like SDA? Smh

I swear people just either dont know how to play optimally or actively choose to play suboptimally because they think they are masterminds at fpsing

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Overestimation of skill IS a psych thing. XD

Still wanna see more form you today Kiiruma.

But i want to trust derp who is dead and flipped town



@Kiiruma kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nya nya nya nya nya approximately when did you submit the action to reveal your role to derps



point towards Crescent actually isn’t bad, but I am curious why you would normally town read this?
I dont understand what was bad about Frost’s statement about Kiiruma here? unless u think this is like a w/w interaction?
Gut town on Derp is w/e
calling out the Crescent’s contradiction is good
Kiiruma read is probably fine in hindsight. Im not particularly sure how “thought out” Bean’s wolf reads are as scum, but also doubling down doesn’t necessarily make someone a wolf, so meh

another call out on Crescent, will note though I’m not sure why this slot never gets voted by them, given they specifically called out things I would consider wolfy in a bubble

the unvote based on “saying they can self resolve” is maybe okay? I just find it hard to believe that Bean makes this progression naturally?

this kinda self-awarness tends to come from town more than not I think? but also it seems like a lot of words, given they literally gut town them off self voting, and they never said anything to make me believe they were half serious

Bean literally pulled the context right off the post which feels gross


What do u mean here by quite the reaction for this accusation?

Good callout on Wrongboy, but also like they singled out the posting little, and didn’t bother asking what they found strange. Tonally its fine, but like again it feels more like they are being reactive over being proactive.
Im not even sure what u are arguing towards Frost, since Idot is literally saying that someone shouldn’t be town read for that, and not calling them a wolf for it, from my understanding
Re-iteration on why they handled Crescent the way they did, though they haven’t really given a strong read here

this post is definitely wild, given they didn’t even bother to write names initially, but checks out with p#1588, so its not as bad as I had originally thought

Why did u cross me out?
Why is Sultan townie for voting you even if they have reasoning? is this how u evaluate wagons on urself? people have reasoning are town? u didn’t even talk about the reasoning
I like their question towards Frost, it feels completely different than how they’ve handle other people, but again I ask, Why? Why did Frost get that treatment?

soft, most softs tend to come from town in a bubble

had the potential to be great if they actually u know gave some thoughts on Someone here, but they just disappeared for 400 posts lol

I will keep noting the fact that Frost gets different treatment than everyone else

probably townie?

good to see them remembering stuff

arent great posts, feels a bit performative, but I do like they said they would double check achro’s posts in p#2145, which they did this time in p#2165

sheep votes always feel wolfy, and Frost seems to be a bit stronger than mildly, and they specifically voted Wrongboy for their vote on them, so ???

makes no sense to me, and feels like it just shades them

is a good reaction IMO

I believe it

what a wild sequence that makes utterly no sense to me, this mech has never been talked about from what I remember, and 2714 still doesnt really help me understand what was happening there. I love how wrong boy is just somehow in their scum leans again. The progression their makes no sense, and somehow Frost is a null? this read list is bad like really bad, the only thing that aligns with anything is their bottom PoE, of Crescent, of which Im not sure why they didn’t just vote there? Psy just feels like a lazy read because, “dey troll”. Okay later on they say it really isn’t strong and re-iterate their reasoning. but like a vote doesnt hurt, im not sure why people are so allergic to voting

this explain why achro is where he is, but like Bean went out of their way to check their reads, and they didn’t mention anything about it it affected the initial call out

u get no town points for agreeing with reasons to vote u, and this reaction feels out of place given they randomly claimed they had an important PR. Im also not sure what they find weak about Idot’s achro read. But as usual no vote

nothing else of important, other than the fact they seemed to ignore their train, this time, which is direct contrast to how they reacted day 1. Im not even sure how much I expect out of Bean even after claiming they are an important PR, and handle today knowing they are top wagon.

Stop rolefishing thanks? is good, but like also NAI

like their are moments that are townie, but like Bean is special in that I tend to read them by how they play, rather than a lot of the context. There are some heavy inconsistencies in their votes and reads, that make it feel as if they are making up their reads, and the disproportionate handling of their wagon and specific players, still makes me think this a wolf. If I am wrong I am wrong, but I dont feel like they are playing this game as someone with an important role, and they just dont exhibit behavior of being lost in the sauce. Which makes me think they are just fishing for posts to call out, and not genuinely trying to solve people. Not that I hate everything I still think some of their reactions are townie, its just like, I want this dead. If i hedge now and this ends up being a wolf, I will hate myself more for not for once putting my foot down, over me being wrong on a slot like Bean who I dont expect to help me solve this game even if they are town


thread is always dead when I am home, I literally can never real time, outside of work, or my days off

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i am here nya nya nya
multitasking but here


wrong quote but you get it


were you gonna say anything about that quote