The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

Derps backing my ass up so yeah, I did get something out of it.
I had the lock towny saying I was just good.

Consideration of me sending a fake card is fine and is probably why Derps was a tiny bit hedgy on me but overall said they had mech on me and that I was just good.

I told you I was town.
I told everyone I was town that game.
And that they were wrong on what wolves actually were.

But nope, they didn’t listen to me and we got demolished due to it.

I still personally think that voting Kiiruma today is basically game throwing

hey u know what would have been great that game? voting Vulgard, who i told everyone was in his wolf meta, the one dude on FoL, who I have a god read on

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Derps claimed Mech on me and you can see from the flip that Derps didn’t have anything there that would be constituted as mech in that role other than knowing I had a modifier. Therefore the confirmation came from myself. It’s not rocket science to put those points together lol.

I had pressure and chose Derps because Derps was a global townread.

Some wolf can give modifiers. Idk if it’s just Weak or if they have a list. I don’t know if I’d die via Weak for both targets 1 and 2, or just for target 1. Might check with Zone later. Either way I’m treating me as a semi Innocent Child with an upside (Not anticlaimable) and a downside (Could just fucking die lol).

no i meant like, did you get anything out of the soul scrying thing

how do you personally find scum?

Nope because Derps removed my modifiers thinking that non-consecutive would go away (Because that is a usual modifier) but nope… instead only the bit in “quotation marks” went away which was “soul-scrying”

So I went from being a:
Non-Consecutive “Soul-Scrying” Witch
To a Non-Consecutive Witch (Post-Derps)
To a Non-Consecutive “Weak” Witch (Post Some Fucker)

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usually wait till like d3 or so and then ISO people to see if they did anything with the time they spent on the game.

what qualifies as that, to you?

Huh. So did you get any feedback that whatever you were trying to do worked?

I didn’t get any feedback for that because my investigative part of my role went away.
And you don’t get feedback for roleblock/redirection or other stuff unless you’re an investigative.

But you might not know that since you’ve not really been here

So if I were to judge Frost on purely that idea, ignoring any and everything else I could judge them on, for D1 at least they’d be perfectly fine.
They essentially got into complex arguments right out the gate, didn’t spend a ton of time fluff posting, when they were around they were… “using their time well”.

Meanwhile someone who is afk for most of a game, but does similar things when they’re around, is also fine under this idea. But someone who is around fairly often, but mostly fluff posting, asking clarifying questions and no others, or is otherwise “not using their time well” is suspicious.

Annnnnnd all of this is kinda useless once people figure out how to work around it, so I’m also trying to produce other methods that aren’t about as useful as a coin flip.

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Commonly true yes. Did you ask about that to the hosts?

I mean I don’t really need to on my part.
All I know is I didn’t get feedback for my Witch thing.

Thats not the problem my dude, the problem is that derps was hedging on you, if they got your full card, hedging should havent never happened, even for the sake of fpsing, its silly. But they died, so the wolves thought either something was up there or they were killed because they were obvious town, and im not a wolf so i dont know the answer to that. If it was the first it means a lot in terms of your alignment because it makes u lock town, if it was two, it doesnt hard clear you, of which u can blame Derp for playing around the info u gave them, like they did

Its not rocket science

Everytime u claim anything flavor or mech wise, people want ur throat, maybe try to be townie in other ways, and u know who u shouldve trusted, me… but nobody ever fucking does. Honestly the fact that triss even wants to vote u feels likes they arent aligned in this mafia agenda, because i think them with tmi would just call u lock town

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Mmmm, ask anyway imo.

how do you decide how to do d1/d2?
i dont have a psych major, but i do know a friend who has some store-bought chocolate

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Welcome to my current process in figuring that out.