The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

I want to make it clear. I want it on the record. Zug did not like this post. I did

Zug pointedly scrolled past the post and did not like it, it was not liked. I saw it fit to like the post.

Not gonna lie havent caught up this was juat the first thing i saw lol


Why did you just vote Millium?

I want to make it clear, I am not sure how serious that post was, but there is above rand chance id actually do it if I realistically got a gun lol

anyway as for other thoughts.

I find trissā€™s mafia philosophy stuff interesting. Iā€™d have to go back to see how/if it gets applied though. Fwiw May is the one who placed the vote there, and though i donā€™t have plans to move it rn, Iā€™m at roughly the same place there as with other slots.

I. donā€™t have much hope of reading Bean myself tbh, given they donā€™t tend to. post much.
Iā€™ll probably have to sheep my townreads there. though that requires finding more townreads. iā€™m not convinced anymore by the ā€˜iā€™m an important roleā€™ because like. itā€™s a very easy and flexible claim for mafia and itā€™s also pretty easy for town to overestimate their role.


If I had a gun this game would be 12/15 today.

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i feel like we need less of this, and u really arent helping my overall read of you when u do this. and I refuse to argue u are town because I expect better of wolf!Sultan.

if i had a gun it would be 12/15 because i wouldā€™ve shot myself

Man yall are no fun.

It was the perfect time for a joke how could you pass that up.

I want to be right, but I also dont particularly care what Bean flips, because I am over it

ā€¦It was?

Yess see the post i replied toā€¦

meh this game is starting to stress me out like my last game, so im not particularly in the mood for jokes

Okay fair enough i promiss next post ill post something more serious

oh also psy exists.

psy is. If they were a new player, like, fully new to social deduction, Iā€™d TR them, but theyā€™ve played a lot of ToS and some other stuff so. I think what theyā€™ve done is pretty fakeable

stuff like:

(I feel that a new wolf probably asks this in wolf chat or tries to. blend in)

plus mentioning their role would be very towny (even saying itā€™s not confirmable) but they have played other games so iā€™m less sure on that. probably still >rand town though to limit their options

I do think that if theyā€™re town theyā€™ll be findable soon enough
we do know theyā€™re definitely new to forum mafia based on what Derps said
overall rn I think theyā€™re lean town but I am. not confident


i regret reading the first 10 or so posts of their iso just nowā€¦

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Like I said, gun to my head guess is town, but thereā€™s really nothing we can do. The player slot is being completely wasted by a troll. I havenā€™t wasted my time interacting with or even reading most of their posts since early day 1.

But also Psyā€™s slot is just town if Trisscar is scum.

When it comes down to it I havenā€™t seen any reason to be opposed to either of the trains today, and both trains give different information. I kind of just get ā€œWaiting to die alreadyā€ vibes out of Bean in particular.

I also have a feeling that most of scum has been on the quiet side today and it wouldnā€™t shock me if all 5 current voters are town.