The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

Ceescent has trapped idot. This has an 80% chance of hitting mafia if crescent is town

Im voting u because i believe u getting vanillaized is bullshit btw

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Itā€™s the entire progression in particular I didnā€™t like. I didnā€™t feel any real energy or effort into actual solving coming from it.

They can keep memeing and calling me scum now all they like but thatā€™s not nearly as important.

yeah hereā€™s one
Kii ITAed a player who was pretty townread by most of the game here


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im the one who called her mafia first


Crescent is this true. Is thia a naked omgus vote. I trusted you

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My biggest problem with his claim that he was vanillized is ā€œWhy claim it?ā€

Like even if it happened, why say anything

Also i missed a neil game aww

Yep. I was waiting for him to commit a vote down first.

Peak fol behavior as well

This is acceptable.

Lead us then. Cut down this scoundrel.

Also Iā€™ve delayed my lunch way too long soooo

Hey dont shit on fol youve lost every game we have been in together this past year.

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crescent first voted bean. then i scumread her. then she said ā€œcap, was a trapā€. voted me. now shes saying "that was a trap again against ME! double trap. shes just making up stuff and justifying it as traps


Tbh im only here because work is slow today but im still explicitly not doing work i should be just to have any bit of real time up to EoD

We do love our traps

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Sometimes i let people assume i did a massive trap. Usually i am just vibing and my reputation makes people have a stroke.

i dont think achro and crescent act this way as w/w

i hope they arenā€™t v/v because iā€™m v. would be a bit silly

i think (i hope) either crescent wolf and town achro simping

or crescent town and achro wolf trolling / stirring the pot


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Itā€™s becoming vanity wagon hell

Like what? The game we got night 1d because of u being you? Or the game where i voted only wolves the day before lylo? Or the other game where i voted moatly wolves closer to eod, and my town leans kept telling me i was wrong, or when i cased a low hanging fruit and correvtly called them town, only to also be explictly told i was wrong and watch them get lynched in lylo? The same game i got helled tunneled by the worst player ive had the experience of playing with. Fire emblem wasnt my greatest game but i dkdnt lose it. Catbae did

Every recent fol game ive been in was almost a direct loss because of leafia. Like literally

But sure im not omnipotent, i can be wrong, fuck me right?