The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow~

If eod 1 was anything like this, im glad i decided not to psrticpate

im not confident on hal either way. think they have a higher chance of being evil then someone did eod1, but iā€™d rather execute someone im actually suspicious of

I donā€™t have a good handle on this game, I know I do not have a good handle on this game, but, uh, I did not fulfill my promise to Hazzy that I would get to bed before 1AM last night. I am not good at promises.

I honestly dislike this activity spike by EoD in general, but what can you do when youā€™re busy with life

Would you prefer that people tell you to go to bed at specific times?

Honestly resding w/e u did day 1 and how u are continuing to play, i refuse to believe it was anything but performative

VOTE: bean

this is nonsense.
im sticking with my vote

Same tbh

It was largely insomnia, I just wasnā€™t tired. I knew I shouldā€™ve been sleeping.

Sympathies. I can suggest podcasts and music if you think itā€™d help XD

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if hal flips green, if they do flip
be very. very. mindful of what happened here

this happened at eod1 too

@kiiruma so u really arent going to vote?

My brain absolutely hurts

But yall if weā€™re shrugyeeting off an inactive letā€™s kill one thatā€™s actively lying

Hal might be replaced

hello thread
iā€™m confident atlas/millium/kii are all town
idot is probably town
crescent is somewhat towny as well

other slots feel roughly a shot in the dark. which is. bleh
If Achro hadnā€™t claimed TPR iā€™d want to kill him
iā€™m. not a big fan of leaving him alive now but iā€™m also not a fan of potentially killing a tpr so.



Where dod they claim 3p???

I am open for ideas honestly, as much I want to stick and spare the trouble for looking the replacement.