The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

that would also be appreciated

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actually there is one other big reason iā€™m town. i. will have to talk to may on whether it should be revealed though.


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So, the reason I have on May being town is quite simply I know from experience i could look like a complete, giant, anti-town piece of shit who spent all day badly tunneling the day 1 chop and they STILL fear killed me night one. it was a infamous example of me playing badly day 1, fucking up, defending half the scum team, and may in scum chat was still like ā€œnah, fuck thatā€ and i died night one to everyoneā€™s surprise.

Given may is half that hydra, I canā€™t imagine may as scum doing any other thing than shoving me off a cliff n1 given i was super disadvantaged that game.

So yeah, that slot imo is spewed town because i wasnt the n1 kill. This can obviously now be used as wifom in the future, but there you go.

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sirderpsalot - strong town
  1. I like 185. It feels like thereā€™s thoughts under the surface. You canā€™t actually confbias as mafia and the third response
    (to tutuu) only makes sense in a wolfreading tutuu world. which makes sense given their later post

  2. there aaaaaaaaaare a few things that ping me tho tbhhtbhtbhthtb
    like 197
    since that doesnā€™t really feel like a town response to someone they think is a wolf
    it feels like a wolfā€™s perspective
    and more minor of a point is some incongrouous posts. like 198 and the ones tutuu called strangely aggressive. theyā€™re. ā€œhow can you townread someone whose posts warp strangelyā€.

  3. {hidden} In 640, he says Kii is almost locktown but he canā€™t elaborate why; presumably this is for role-related reasons.
    The conversation previous was about roles, and Derps had previously said #582, which suggests he has such a modifier, and he believes that Kii has a similar modifier which is the cause of his stuff.

Psyaryu - town
  1. 594 is mildly towny for a new player. As it shows a perspective of thinking heā€™d be nightkilled.

  2. {hidden} Psyaryu also said his role is not very confirmable in #711. In general, for new players itā€™s a major towntell to reveal role information early under no/little pressure.

kiiruma - medium town
  1. In #625, claims to be able to confirm himself town if he is given enough time.
    He claims his role has some modifier that delays this. Unsure how much I believe this yet. But itā€™s probably ~always optimal
    to let this just self-resolve.
frostwolf103 - medium town
  1. Unsure what to think of frost overall rn. I did find it a little suspicious for him to be assuming I was trying to clear myself early on, and I donā€™t fully get his TR on me. However many people are TRing him including May so Iā€™ll sheep that for now.

  2. {hidden} According to May, Frost loves to soft/claim his role as town. However, as wolf, last game it was very hard for May to get Frost to put together a coherent claim. So May thinks w!Frost would not so openly soft his role like he did in 767.
    Also heā€™s softing invest which is a claim to better resolve later.

idot - lean town
  1. looking back I like 126
    being unable to articulate thoughts requires. having those thoughts
    obviously fakable but mmmmmmmm
    i should ask for elaboration again there

  2. 391 is pretty towny
    for one theres the mention of hydra chat discussion
    which yeah while fakeable is pretty annoying / time consuming to fake, in my experience
    also finding everyone towny rn is kinda a mindmeld

  3. explanation for read on frost is decent; while rereading some of their posts before that original thought I can see what they mean

hal - lean town
  1. hal has vaguely scary vibes
    feels. confident
    not wolfy but scary
    i get the impression theyā€™ll be hard to read
    havenā€™t really gotten pings either way

  2. null reading the derp
    feels believable enough but it could pretty easily be genuine from scum

  3. Millium TRs hal for meta reasons. The interaction between the two also doesnā€™t feel w/w and if thereā€™s a wolf there itā€™s probably Millium. nya nya nya nya nya no one is reading this anyway

Someone - light town
  1. 837 mentions gar thinks achro/someone had a w/w interaction
    Looking back on it I can see why theyā€™d think that but meh
    Iā€™d have to look over Someoneā€™s vibes again to see if thatā€™s a deviation from their normal tone. Last game doesnā€™t really count because they were wolf. So probably just wait until they have more posts here.

  2. May thinks that someone doesnā€™t feel like they did when he wolfed with him. Sheeping this for d1


sultanofslam - light town
  1. May thinks Sultan was towny for something. She doesnā€™t remember for what though
    As for myself I find him null rn

millium - null
  1. has an aggressive vibe that reminds me of her in Stratagem-13.
crescent - null
achromatic - null
  1. I donā€™t really have much meaningful thoughts on Achroā€™s alignment.
    I suspect itā€™ll come down to (correct/dead) ā†’ town, and (wrong/alive) ā†’ wolf.
    Would very much say to policy him if heā€™s alive lategame without much pelt (and without anything else to explain it eg protectives).

  2. Iā€™m getting the impression Achro might be mafia slanking to give him a plausible enough excuse to not be dead later.

beancat - null
  1. {hidden} Beancat claims their role is good in 1608. This is. Interesting. Scum would also claim this though, of course. They donā€™t really have a reason to claim a weaker role.

IfGodCouldDie - 0 poster
Kabazame - 0 poster
atlas - strong town
  1. 2028 is a towny post. I donā€™t think a wolf simulating their town self goes ā€˜oh actually idk if my old town self would be this confidentā€™.

  2. 2200 is also towny
    taking stuff from cookie thread feels. like itā€™s real solving that is in her real mind. rather than simulated ā€˜this is what I think I would thinkā€™ or ā€˜this is the agenda I need to pushā€™.

  3. Atlas also feels. very Reasonable. Her confidence / lack thereof is something Iā€™m feeling quite a bit. and theyā€™re assuming a much needed town leader archetype.

millium - strong town

kiiruma - medium town

idot - lean town
crescent - lean town

Psyaryu - light town
frostwolf103 - light town
hal - light town

achromatic - null
  1. {hidden} Achro appears to be softing that he gave weak to Kii. Or possibly he was in the neighborhood at night, and someone else gave weak to Kii.
beancat - null
trisscar - null
sultanofslam - null

the spoilers on reads without thoughts are because this is from a program and I had not considered making them not spoiler when they have no thoughts. I should. probably do that

iā€™m showing the hidden thoughts here because theyā€™re all outdated role stuff anyway

I used this as something in between a notepad and a reads list. hence why some thoughts are justifications for the reads, while others are more of random observations. also I didnā€™t enter much other than tiers d2 hence why that was pretty empty. I do plan to use it more in future games though because it did prove helpful for remembering some reasons that Iā€™d forgot.


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okay wrongboy is town

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this stuff, in response to atlas, would be hard for me to come up with as wolf in the timespan I did. whereas I could write them as town because they were already all floating around in my head as I tried to solve


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im going outside for a smoke, and then im going to do tutuu, need to keep myself awake lol

Which game was that again

Wild West 2. I checked

Do urself next, why are u town

Iā€™m more of a snide dick as town than I am as scum to my friends.

I do not go out of my way to pocket you and then troll your vig shot :joy_cat: I go ā€œwisp, we can do it! come on! work with me!ā€ or some generic shit idk youā€™ve seen me do it 1000 times but itā€™s hard to think of it in the moment until its too late.

My nightkill habits are maybe non-optimal. Iā€™m not sure how much I regret that one, though. People just donā€™t execute you! They never do! Iā€™m similar on my home site; wolves love to keep me alive, ā€œoh May looks so bad surely theyā€™ll execute her soonā€, and I just keep talking and talking and talking and so long as thereā€™s enough of a Words Gap between me and everybody else I never die. And the wolves just keep putting off killing me as I slowly get more correct. I should play good here. Why donā€™t I play good here

Who else is a wolf other than idot?

I almost got executed without being redchecked for the first time over thereā€¦ as mech town, because they wanted to hand a 3P executioner on me a win. Why the hell donā€™t I play good on FoL itā€™s not even entirely an environment thing I can look at my posts here versus there and go yeah the ones here are worse. Well I wonā€™t dwell on it until postgame. Only mafia to play for now

You dont play on FoL, FoL plays you

I think Triss might be a mirror, thatā€™d be dope. Also their reasoning for voting me is pretty shit tbh. Just talking out of their ass with game logic in order to justify voting for me.

Sultanā€™s been really lethargic this entire game which i think is very scummy for him, he hasnā€™t been interacting with me as much as he should as town.

Psy could be 3p, I guess? Itā€™d line up with them doing jack shit but also not really knowing how to handle me.

I remember my first game on fol people were telling me i had a big ego and I shouldnā€™t be so confident.

just like mtgs.


I mean yes i equate u being an ass to yojr town game more so then your wolf game, but i think your wolf game has a lot of you making good town reads, and pushing votes on specific town for bad reasons.

And while i think its unfair to say u should always be right, i think you have had a dtrong hand in killing town, too much for liking, and im not going to read you off your treatment of me, bevause i know ur wolf game could easily have me tied up saying ā€œyes senpaiā€ to everything u say

I just feel like Iā€™ve been going downhill and downhill. I think itā€™s mostly perception. I remember my confidence in postgame and not my doubts. My winrate has absolutely gone way up. But I feel less impressed by my play. My town play, at least. It feels like itā€™s been so long since Iā€™ve genuinely made a read or deduction Iā€™m proud of.

No moping midgame. Iā€™m going to bed now.