The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

I still personally think its not really logical for triss to be a wolf unless osie pulled a fast one balance wise which could be the case?

Like triss wolf stocks really only go up if chris is town… so

I would prefer to find a full team of 3 that works with achro and im still not certain one exists

Reminder that Zone designed the game, but I think it says Osie inspired or something.

Frkm idots pov its me, but u you really just have to read path of radiance to see thats not the case, and im still not certain that crescent is a wolf, they make more sense as a 3p.

Can you go over why?

I am wary of the fact of you potentially living until LyLo. There is a world where SirDerps misunderstood mechanics. You are not peeked town if Achro isn’t town. Beancat cleared you of being a killer but you might be mafia support. You have been taking a passive approach. That isn’t unusual for you. But I’d argue it is quite passive and I am slightly worried.


So with my current info i dont have anyone at all that makes sense with achro

Im no longer scumreading you particularly. You are in my poe, but not more so than everyone once. As I said I trusted that a lot of people are townreading you. Mainly wrongboy.


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What’s your take on the mafia team power level then, given your claim?

i mean yeah but also he’d have fooled atlas socially (and I can see Atlas’s point about Kii sounding different in wolfgames)
so idk about that
and me and may also have [REDACTED] up our sleeves just in case. so


Well, scum redirection is actually very useful for them as I give weaken. Luckily for town I targeted someone night one that didnt have an action night 2 and wisp is out of shots, so that avenue is closed to them.

Zone loves to give out roles that seem very town, blend in very well. I would say the scum are well equipped to counter town in inventive ways. Zone wouldnt take it easy on town.

We know that mafia had a day vannilizer because of Frostwolf. Could have been 1-shot. Maybe the second ability of one wolf role.


thought that was just the backup though

He claimed he was vannilized day 1. Received the info eod1. As in, report given by the host.



@Achromatic I’m debating whether to ask you to fully explain the formatting of your role for the purpose of figuring out what this game looks like with three normalizers.

now that you say this I wonder if psy is unpaired with achro given the interaction where psy didn’t know about achro’s reputation


no harm now. What would you like to know?

i kinda assumed that was an fps
in stratagem-15 the vanillaization was reflected in the flip so. you can ask tho if you want
