The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

This says "did something to me at night’ though.

Thiiiiis is probably the confusing part

later they claimed they received the message at the start of n1 tho


This was interesting

ah here we go

Anyway I just mentioned it as a small thing. Im not sure if we can use that info for something. Was just putting it on the table.


what does this mean


So currently a alignment cop, two town normalizers in sequence, a redirector, a tracker for non-kills, a vig shot, a backup for protectives, and a backup for invests.

And removing modifiers across the board we have;
… What the fuck does Achros claimed role do with no modifiers?
a regular normalizer still
another normalizer who is no longer a backup
a full doc instead of a backup
a full backup instead of a invest-only backup
a vig shot, I assume? fuck knows
a tracker who… does things? Don;t really want to ask beancat what their modifier is, am curious if their role would be better without it though
and a redirector who got worse because they lost anticlaim shizz?

I litterally cant find your thoughts on her lol

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Is this a race to the normalizer or something?

The vast majority of this is better with normalizers active. Which is interesting as fuck designwise but also why is there a vanillizer here.

@Achromatic what does your role do without mods

“Pretty interesting how I dont fit into any teams, wonder what that could mean”

scans someone’s alignment

the fuck is “Blood” then

I target, I get back an alignment


I weaken my target

then whats teh second one

I suspect Frostwolf was not actually vanillaised. In Zone games, if you’re vanillaised, you usually flip as VT. I think he misunderstood something