The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

Okay maybe

Creasent is 3rd party

Idot can still be scum with i guess hmm wrongboy and psy? Though both wrong boy idot is probably unlikely?

Youve also seem me frustrated as town and mislynched me recently for the same reason you think im scum now

I have no idea where the does not come from I think I changed my sentence halfway through. Iā€™ve said this right a few times!

Heā€™s not the type to put a bad vote down the post after Idot. Iā€™d wager he doesnā€™t even think of doing it

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You donā€™t come off to me as frustrated, you come off to me as opportunistic.

Im hella frustrated have been beacuse ive been ignored alot and this game is basically unwinable

i see both here
the response to being pushed here is definitely frustrated, but the vote on achro here looks opportunistic




Ill go back to what i think is right no one follows me what else os freaking new this game

VOTE: idot

i mean
obviously I canā€™t know for sure but thereā€™s a pretty clear difference from 5887 onwards, and everything earlier today


The vote on Chris has me asking more questions than anything else.

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We lose the game today if we axe town am i wrong?

likely yeah, unless bean/achro are both non-town


Votes are not locked, so at the very least we are not in mylo.

Itā€™s impossible to determine whether or not the game is mechanically winnable because we donā€™t know who the 3P are. If one of them is a killer they can just shoot scum, for example.

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I worry more about it being potentially unwinnable because of players who are still blatantly wasting a player slot.

Like if Psy is town weā€™ve probably lost already, even if we got scum today.

Dont forget thay if kiiruma is town, they havent cared enough to even vote

I am back. I have 5 friends over. I have to show off some 3D model stuff but I can vote for someone.

HEY! Youā€™re mean to me :/ bad kitty

If I am not town am I doing good? :eyes:

You claiming 3rd party lol

Nope, I would tell you my role exactly what it is but I think mafia can kill me for that.

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