The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

Mafia doesn’t even need to know my role they just have to describe what my role does right?

They can simply guess and be “mostly correct” yes.

points up

So for all intended purposes I am useless :3
Assume I am vanilla town

VOTE: SultanOfSlam

I didn’t care enough to be here for like 41 hours. It seems like half the town’s a backup that hasn’t been able to do anything and no one can claim.

It’s like the game was actively designed to frustrate more than anything else.

There there kitty, we’ll get through this together!

Ya its certainly peak game design

… I feel I should note that, without encouraging you to out literally anything about your role:
-If you feel your role is useless because you need to say something about what it does for it to be useful, there ARE ways to “soft” that information without giving mafia enough to anticlaim you with. However I would advise you to be VERY careful if you decide to do so.
-If you merely feel your role is useless for the current conversation, then ok?

How did u know wolves had access ro a discord server?

I summon Psy and Trisscar suddenly shows up out of nowhere specifically to talk to Psy and ignores everything else.

It’s unnerving how much they seem to be basing their game on the useless player.

I’m inclined to assist new players, and you in particular have a shit track record of interacting with them.

Also I’ve been reading this whole time in between other shizz, I have little to say on current events.

Considering how he’s pretended all game like he knows absolutely nothing about mafia and has acted like he has paid zero attention to anything ever it’s an interesting question. Based on his performance and trolling he should not be aware of this.

How many times has the anti-claim been explained to him and how many times does he keep playing dunb

I’d still Vig Psy in a second if I could.

I do not care.

The comment was mostly because you’ve done little to interact with anyone but Psy all game.

Gee, I wonder why that would be your impression.

Because you’ve spent all game virtually inactive and he feels like an easy excuse for you to pretend to play a game you’re clearly not interested in trying to solve.

Though at this point I think you’re a lot more likely to be 3P who just doesn’t care.

Psy voting Sultan all of a sudden is… Interesting.

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