The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

I also dont really know what ur wincon is, but assuming u are being truthful id guess u srent a 3p thats trying to also see a wolf die, since thats like the only srguement i could see for u thinking there is another 3p.

live picture of wisp voting a 3p when town clearly needs to kill a wolf

No i dont remember this game lol

I told you my wincon. I need 2 people with ‘weaken’ to be alive day 5.

Ohh i missed it

christmas theme? I claimed 3p day 1?

when there wasnt a mean old ANTI CLAIM

Day 5, jesus


tbh I could have played this better but also i am me on fol so I didnt think i was surviving.

making it to day 3 is an achievement tbh

Thats so trash holy hell, u need to survive 4 whole day phases, and prevent ur tsegets from dying, makes sense why u claimed they were cop checks

why did you put yourself at L-1 if you are 3p.


trying to fuck with everyone to not kill me because i had no good town arguments for myself <_<

So how u gunna argue why i find u wolfy if u canteven argue what uve done thats townie lll

yes. i agree. hence why i think you’re mafia. die.

if you are 3p you could have just claimed that. instead of being manipulative


quoting so I have it in front of me…

Without anticlaim, or weird late SK shenanigans:

If achro is 3p and trueclaiming, then 2 neuts and probably 10 town and 3 mafia
currently alive is 2 neuts, 5 town and 3 mafia
if achro gets yeeted, 1 neut, 5 town, 3 mafia == turns into either 1 neut 4 town 3 mafia, or 5 town 3 mafia

If achro is 3p and falseclaiming, then same as above, OR one neut and either 10 town and 4 maf, or 11 town and 3 maf
currently alive (5 town) v results:
+++if only 1 neut then 5 town, and 4 maf == maf wins on SoD
+++ if 2 neuts, 5 town and 3 mafia == turns into either 1 neut 4 town 3 mafia, or 5 town 3 mafia
currently alive (6 town) v results:
===Achro is probably just the only neut here if so, and that means 3 maf
+++ 1 neut, 6 town 3 maf == 5 town 3 maf

fuck the variable number of maf is annoying.

Wisp/Kiiruma/Bean claimed, kiiruma is immune to anticlaim apparently
probable at least 2 kills off anticlaim, depending on if modifiers are needed. If so, bean is safe, if not 2 kills

yes, let me claim for the 55,000 anti claim poisoner unless its desperation

look just cause you guys are dumb and you claim doesnt mean I am lmao

Fair i am dumb

3p is an alignment not a role. thats not anti claimable. if you are 3p who decided that the best course of action for ur wincon is to self-vote instead of claiming ur alignment thats on u. die


wisp can tel ya, without anti claim yeah I just claim d21, ez