The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

I asked what the role is or does and got no answer and that’s as far as that topic went.

Chris is claiming 3P that has virtually no wincon.

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… I said my win con

I know.

Your “wincon” is about as good as Blade’s was.

Anyway first, let’s discuss Crescent. This is not how a wolf Crescent handles Achro here. She would just laugh at our confusion and go “guess Chris must be a wolf” and shrug her way to victory, so crescent is not scum here (Maybe evil 3p who knows) but her confusion is very genuine and she is more cut throat as scum.

Thats not casing I KNOW.

? What are u asking

Votecount as of P#6205

Achromatic (3): idot, Millium, Psyaryu
SultanOfSlam (2): beancat, Kiiruma
idot (1): SultanOfSlam
Psyaryu (1): Achromatic

Not Voting (3): Crescent, wrongboy, Trisscar

You said something earlier about how you can’t find a team for Achro or something?

I agree, i mean i was already at town!crescent

I had one a couple with crescent until i iso dove them and decided i still dont think they are a wolf

if achro is 3p kiiruma is mafia isn’t he lol


Idot is tempting to believe to be a wolf because they are mean and made me cry (editor’s note: I did not really cry) however at a certain point you have to understand the angles scum are willing to take and are able to take in order to invest in their pushes. I realized fairly early in the day that idot was a townie with a bone rather than scum trying to manipulate the thread because I think there are a lot more straight forward attacks on my slot this game if you wanted to attack my slot and idot bypassed most of them for a quote. That’s so pure.

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I’m staring at my conclusion that if Achro is the only neut, we lose, rn.

you are the other 3p. kiiruma played socially like a wolf. fits in with most people. we cant find a team of 3 sans achro because we are assuming kiiruma town


Im not 3p, i wouldnt bother playing this way as a 3p, u can see how i played 3p in the anon game

It’s been lingering in my head for a while how that we’ve been townreading each other for ages yet Idot insists we’re both scum.

We’re probably the two highest profile/most exposure players left based on our activity. Does scum Idot have the marbles to go after both of us? That’s something I’ve been asking myself in my time away.

We arrive at Psy, who is probably mafia at this point. First, they have willingly played up the perception of them throughout the game. Secondly, their reads have been very stagnant and they have not once pushed a single one of their reads. They have systematically taken advantage of triss wanting to help them, and it makes me think triss is town. Also, I feel if triss was scum they would have beaten me to death more viciously over my mechanical error when i was claiming redirected.

Back to Psy though. I believe the discord thing was in fact a slip given everything else, and it is convenient that the person that knows them best died night one when i will grant you derps was town read but also it’s a pretty unusual kill. Psy has been living off of derps and triss’ good will that it is, in fact, beyond belief that they need a poison mechanic explained several times but they intuitively discuss discord. They are new, but they have also hedged that into a perception of them being town.

none of their pushes are strong
they dont care who goes over
they have been repping a suspicion of me since day 1 but have done nothing about it

this isnt how new town play the game. new town go pouncing throughout the day, look at me look at me. Psy is just sitting back and claiming ignorance and not playing at all how new town play the game.

atlas had a decent argument for Kii being in his town meta, and Millium iirc didn’t realize the anticlaim would be able to get her with what she claimed d1

if I did have to say Kii wasn’t town, and there was another 3p, i’d sooner think Kii was that given his role and derp’s mech
it’d be a lot more reasonable to have a 3p psuedo-confirm themselves to someone, compared to if a wolf did it


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I was townreading you day 1 on behavior, and your vibes have matched mine for ages. You’re either extremely good at faking it, or you’re feeling the same frustrations with this game that I am.

You’d be quieter as 3P I suspect. I would be too

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Secondly, Sultan is playing much more like scum sultan than town sultan

I have been poking at sultan, mostly for my own amusement, throughout the game to see how he reacts. I would have expected town sultan to take the bait much more than scum sultan does. Here’s a tip, town sultan is VERY paranoid when people push on him. Doubly so when I push on him. His reactions to my vote on him were timid, weak, and not at all like sultan. He has had some pretty good moments that i do think are more like towny sultan (voting me today was pretty good tbh) but i 100% town sultan to get into it with me. Town sultan has a heart of a lion. This heart is absent here.