The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

Votecount as of P#6600

Achromatic (2): Achromatic, Trisscar
Crescent (1): Crescent

Not Voting (6): Millium, idot, Kiiruma, beancat, wrongboy, SultanOfSlam

Who’s been in your neighbourhood each night?

gimme a sec to post thoughts that millium asked for… and figure out spoiler obvious formatting again

i was night 1, just me and triss
nothing n2 from my perspective
and n3 it was me triss kiiruma


ngl i was hoping to join the neighborhood, i love neighborhoods


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anyways im gunna be playing gloomhaven in a bit, so ill be on and off for a while

my posting is so much more involved in neighbor chats because i dont have to deal with the thread as a whole, i can just post my head thoughts and chill


Pops in with (probably valid) time being used elsewhere, then also posts a vote on Achro.
Later says that it’s because of the killing people Achro knows post.
–50 post gap
confirming alt, meme
–70 post gap
I thiiink Sultan responded to Crescent through Kiirumas reply, that “latching onto a previous instant vote in another game, is something maf would do”
asks for a summary of whats going on
–160 post gap
Mentions driving home from wedding, basic summary of players and their play
asks about voting code stuff
pokes my slot, who has yet to post I believe
asks about Psyaryus experience level after one of their… interesting paragraphs of logic (the one about Crescent and their yelling)
says Derps is using OMGUS as reads
says Kiiruma is openwolfing due to vote for not liking Sultans posts, says it’s because of inactivity and that “I don’t like their posts(kiiruma)” is a secondary excuse
asks Derps why Kiiruma is town to them
susses Derps saying it’s due to a claim of weird modifier, says Kiiruma could be pocketing Derps
says Kiiruma claims hatred of RSV, and then Kii also voted in RSV
starts to agree with Achro because of a push on kiiruma
votes Derps for asking people to soft abilities in a memey way
multi post argument with Derps about locktowns

Far as I’ve gotten btw, listing out a summary to figure out activity and effort.

So far seems reasonable.


compliments a Wisp post about general reads so far
notes (probably)May going after an inactive, says it’s weird
–200 post gap
derps asks for softing again?
confused about wrongboy vote on crescent
says that Derps asking for claims makes more sense now?
says that Derps claiming had been unnoticed by self till around this post
“does that make sense” post
claims frustration
unvotes Derps
questions about Kiirumas claim at the time, to Derps
Achro townreads Sultan off tell of immediate vote, Sultan replies with allusions to tells on Achro but wants to look at other things first
shocked at Achro’s Someone vote
subtext interaction with Achro about said vote
decides that Achro is having fun
attempt to moderate between Wisp and… I assume Derps? Whoever was bullheaded
ponders lack of IGCD
asks Idot “why wrongboy”
professes happiness for playing mafia
apologies to Idot for asking for the apparent REexplanation on Wrongboy
decides to leave Kiiruma alone for the Day phase(?)
reacts to Derps comment about possibly flipping 3p
–340 post gap


I mean some of this is kinda sus, that last “what 3p” and then poof is a bit iffy
If this is mafia though, they’ve got tone and smoothness of thoughts down pretty well.Trisscar
I think the question is, is Sultan getting better or worse as the game goes on? How does this compare to what they’re doing now?
after skimming… yeah I unno, if this is mafia Sultan then apparently I need meta to recognize it. Which is annoying if so.
I dunno if 5918 and 5922 happen together is that’s a bus as well, but maybe?
I guess if the goal is to make it look good…

Wisp posted games:
Sultan Games mafia mafia town town

Well sultan is significantly happier sounding in the first maf game starting out
annnnd far more similar in the second maf game
geez this guys play is variable
Happy on the first town game, lotta gotchas it feels like? Lotta decisiveness.
Annnd another swap for the second town game.
Ye sorry Wisp this one’s beyond my current ability to sort even with meta. Glad to see it cause more people need to be flexible but also…


i tend to fullclaim if i confidently TR everyone there
very satisfying (if i am not wrong :joy_cat:)


good job u did it correctly this time


Iiii… think that posted fine, mostly.

i full claimed last night, but i figured i was already gunna get poisoned lol

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scuse me while I toss the person who made this site template into the sun

i love discourse, now if whoever is updating FoL, could figure out how to add vote history, that would be beautiful

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Millium N1, they were who I targeted so that’s fine, Someone was also supposed to be in with… I think a guest? but ded.

N2 no one. As far as i’m aware this is because the neighborizing is temporary, and because I literally forgot to submit by the “first part of the Day phase” deadline.

N3, I invite and receive Kiiruma. But Wisp also comes back and I have literally no idea why. And no I don’t believe Crescent in the slightest.

search function within iso’s is still bad, but idk if that can ever be fixed given how this site functions in what is basically an infinite loop

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LIke… Roleblock should not, as far as I am aware, stop a neighborhood, if I’m wrong and Wisp wasn’t a temporary neighbor. But in that case I have no idea what the fucks going on.

in what way is the search bad
just that it breaks you out of the ISO if you move out of your loaded posts or…


Also I was literally told “trisscar is in the neighborhood with no one”. So again, not a roleblock, because i’d assume that the neighborhood would just be unenterable at that point.

“move out”, meaning “use search to jump to a post outside”