The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

there was conversion but only One




wait you were in that game Litten

Dunno what game we are even referring to

I remember those ops tho yeah

I pulled the list from LotR FM

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Think Luxy hosted games like that

Was it hosted by Luxy


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how did I remember that Lmao

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I dinsrinctly remember being annoyed by these ops and Luxy came to mind

Like, even in this case, you could think the following: Sultan didn’t murder all the players who opposed him, he Just Survived, and he won because he Survived. I don’t win cause I survive! That’s no fair!

If he were a SK, it might be functionally the same wincon, but the nightkill kind of… gives more agency in the victory, it feels much more like he outplayed you at mafia and therefore you lost to a skill issue rather than a design issue.

I don’t actually think the role was unfair, but that’s, like, what I think could be the source of feelings of unfairness about it.

And that’s with Sultan having a very SK-y role (which is a big part of why I think it was pretty fair overall). I think hte problem is amplified 1000x when the role wants to do something that is perpendicular to or even against the usual goals of mafia. Jesters suck because you did your job! You killed non-town! And they punished you for it because the host decided it was so! That’s a lot like a book I read once called 1984.


I think why I was so peeved because at some point it became a cop out to copy the op and to blame any bad mechanics on the may condition

Once I become a reviewer you can do this again


hang on, I think town could maybe have still won on the last day? depending on who Sultan had infected (was it everyone?)

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Okay bad reply

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no wait nvm I miscounted

sultan’s wincon was game-ending

unless you are talking in the world where zone made it not game-ending

edit: i have entirely misread your post :joy_cat:

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it was a 2 v 1 v 2
kill mafia and sultan auto wins f4
kill sultan and mafia win by parity
they could have gotten both the neutral and a mafia modkilled if they wanted to win though

dunno why town didn’t try that