The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

Anyway that’s it for response to that. Uh. Trust tells bad I don’t do them or at least I try not to. May town. Thanks for listening

i really dont know how to get around this tbh
sorry guys
I really think I made sense here

I meant to say another vote would trigger zenons but I’m mildly drunk now

It’s not that you don’t make sense, I just think you’re thinking too much into an early vote that didn’t really have any meaning to it

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FTR my perspective on Gar’s read as a non-neutral observer is that it makes some sense as an earlygame read but is not substantial on its own this late into the game. Making an opener that feels like it leans too much on some Bit or Joke like Zenon’s Law is mildly wolfy but I happen to know it doesn’t come from a wolf and also that Zug just tends to do that. Have awkwardish openers. And I think there’s much better to go off of by now

“i just mentioned it as i made a random vote because why not”
“I don’t understand why you would even bring it up, inserting yourself into the wagon makes it an impure read”

well im only one vote derp
let me be stubborn for a bit
I might change my mind if they seem towny enough

i enjoy pushing people over tiny things like that
sometimes it works
it really does!!

zug’s responses havent really done anything for me!

sometimes i talk this sort of thing over with my suspect
and they give me a response I like
and I drop it!

derp as a third party
usually defending for the suspect doesn’t let me get a pure response because they chip it off of you!

oh i see
I don’t actually put much faith in Zenon’s law so I don’t feel it’s worth using as more than a discussion piece.


maybe you’re telling the truth
or maybe you’re just saying that lmao

you can verify that in my past games i’ve never pushed it.

invite me into your RC so i can find out~

Nah this post is true you can tell because the way they wrote it (you just have to be drunk to see it I swear)



Zug and I tried to like this post at the same time

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fwiw derp im enjoying playing with you :D

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That’s fair I just am moderately confident their town so I’d prefer we use our time to make the wolves miserable!

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