The Picture of Dorian Gray FM - Day 4 (7/13) - Mafia Wins

you explained that in a way better than i could, ty for that

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To be fair, it’s hard to determine these things when you have no clue how this information could be used down the line.
Like, in Zelda Mafia, if town ever learned how the factional kill worked, it’d thunderdome Atlas and Marluna in a setup where losing a mafia member is practically a death sentence. As such, I was stingy with information, which led to Zone’s actions being pretty much useless.

Damn, right before loss


i mean in soweli’s world. those had to be the new two worlds.

It was game over once town voted town there.

Mafia didn’t activate me, that’s why it’s tame smh

did we win?

oh damn I thought I was going to be cooked today

no, don’t apologize
I was kind of outted :sweat_smile:

I was sweating :wowee:

it’s beautiful

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this was my favorite interaction
thanks, pigeon, for playing along :wowee:


and here are my articles if anyone’s interested

N2: lemon being bitter about having to write stuff

Once upon a time in the distant land of Rlksjbdaj, there was an adorable little lemon who dreamed of one day spreading her wings and travelling all over the world. However, at the time of her birth, she was prophesized to bring great evil to the world by a famous prophet. This prophecy spread far and wide and instilled fear in the hearts of the people. They prayed to Ancient Guardians who were said to rule over the land that this innocent lemon be restrained or killed. The Guardians heard their prayers and confined the little lemon beneath the Temple of Kalsjbdka. They placed her under house arrest and refused to let her see the light of day. The only source of light came from the flickering blue flames in the torches that formed the magic circle enchantment that confined the lemon there. Every day, to drain her of her power, the Guardians used a spell to force her to write 200+ word articles using her vital energy. Trapped and alone, the lemon cried bitter tears. Days, months, and years passed. The darkness slowly eroded the light inside the lemon’s heart until nothing was left. When she opened her eyes again, they were blood red and glowed like the Walpurgis moon. She thirsted for blood. The blood of the Guardians and the blood of the mortals who wished misfortune upon her. She laughed in the silent underground chamber, the maniacal laughter bouncing off the walls and echoing with more eeriness as the sounds converged and tangled together in a mess.

(260 words)

N3: trying to tie up loose ends and something about a whale

The Temple of Kalsjbdka shook violently and its stone walls crumbled and broke apart like a crumbly cookie. The sky darkened and crows squawked loudly as they flew overhead. The lemon with glowing red saucer eyes levitated from amid the falling temple ruins and floated in place for a moment before zooming off toward the east, leaving only a faint red light trail. Meanwhile, the people of Rlksjbdaj felt an uncanny sense of doom. The prophets of the land have foretold that the enchantment which restrained the yellow citrus creature they feared the most would break, but they were unwilling to believe it; or rather, they dare not believe. Evacuations have started almost a month ago yet they remain here, in their homes because they could not let go of the wealth and prosperity the land has brought them. Little do they know, this wealth and prosperity was artificially created from the vital energy the Guardians drained from poor little lemon. The flying lemon whooshed along, unaware of the concerns of the people. She did not stop at all until she reached the vast and endless ocean. For a moment, all was quiet. The world stayed still as if it had been paused by someone with a remote control. Then the ocean rose. Wave after wave covered the land, engulfing everything like famished beasts, until there was only water left. The floating lemon fell quietly from the sky, down toward the now calm waters, only to be caught by a breaching whale. They swim into the sunset.

(257 words)


Yeah, maybe it would’ve been better to have gone with some of my original interpretations. The only.original interpretation we went with was JK’s N1 action creating that day chat.

no your interpretation was “haul them off to jail” :wowee:


Laughs One of them at least.

I’ve been informed that at the time I said this (in reference to Ash), the two people posting less than Ash were both wolves


time to become an expert now… constantly


rip gay theme

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yesterday the quiz show Pointless came on TV and at one point they were talking about the picture of dorian grey and oscar wilde I just thought I’d let you all know