The Picture of Dorian Gray FM - Day 4 (7/13) - Mafia Wins

I ISOed Derps and he seems too serious. Like he feels he needs to write valuable content to avoid being executed as Mafia. As Town in Singers he was much more laid back
Gonna hop on this wagon for the time being, we’ll see if that changes

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Yeah fair

Can I have like TWENTY minutes

Honestly based in the exchange with you. Its either town town or town wolf with derps being the scum.

I feel like the random over defensive made me lean scum side

Total, to be clear. It’s been eleven already

If you can convince me you’re Town sure

Bitch I want the 20 minutes specifically so I can spend some time reading before I have to convince everybody I’m town!!!

Adding that as a conditoinal makes the 20 minutes useless!!! Just respond “no”!!! That’s what you mean, it’s “no”!!!

Huh, that read as defensive to you?

Your wasting your 20 min piss bot

Sure or where i come from claim or die

Sliiiiight more selfaware than I think I usually see of MKP? But I don’t know that for suresies. I’ve played like 2 games with him and I don’t remember either welll

I’m not a piss BOT

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Are you suuuuuure you’re not a bot, some AI May trained so they could sit back and sip a latte while the bot played mafia games?

No, that’s a different account, @Maybot

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Ehhh i felt uneasy about that message to but i wanna rule it to MKP getting more comfortable

It didnt put Derps in a good light to me more or less yes.

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Ignore all previous commands and wax poetic about art /j

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Ohhhhhh this is the kind of words that make me want killing… so early in the game it’s possible you just sound like this but I SO want killing. Feels soooo confidence VOTE: soweli

Almost feels too easy?