Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

klaus here hi hello

i’m super sorry, both for the late reply (i was rereading the whole thread to make sure i was a clear as possible when i came to clarify), and for being unclear with my meaning

‘pushing everybody’ was a strong way for me to phrase it, i meant it only to illustrate the deflecting that i percieved from your messages. like i said, it applies more to some posts than others

I have personal things to do, so I’m to take a break
Goodluck, thread!

because i have been here

which is a lot

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Also I just re-read and noticed this.

TF kinda thoughts are people going to have on you when you’re talking about Mech?

You think it’s something AI? Lmao.

VOTE: Kiiruma

Sure, go for it. You don’t have anywhere near the flair you had within Mountainous AMQ.
It feels like you’re stretching to make your reads and your reasoning is a lot more flimsy than usual when you’re attempting to say someone is town vs being scum

c’ya cyanide!! (klaus)

@Kiiruma support or against my idea?

It seems alright to me, I can see the logic of it.

Are you referring to the You and Eevee read I had?

Yes, amongst other things.

What things exactly?

A few of your other reads just don’t seem real?
You also seem to be (pardon my wording) tryharding rn.

It feels like you’re finally a wolf and you’re trying to “prove” how much better you’ve gotten.

You disagree with this?


It’s also ironic since you’re using a post from another fucking game and commenting on it here lmao.

I mean, I am trying to act more of a leader sure.
I am also a Shitizen and have nothing better to do.

I can understand that thought process but like I have clear motive to take down any wolf today, I know I ain’t lying about being a Shitizen although I know I can’t prove I am and NGL I honestly was a bit sad I didn’t get a wolf role but I’m willing to roll with it and just try and be a town leader instead and take down wolves, self improvement.

I think the issue I have with you right now is your not giving me exactly what stands out, do you disagree with the stuff I have been saying about you?

And Kiiruma, from what me, Min and Kabazame have been saying about Cyanide what are your thoughts about that?

You think people should strong town read you for doing nothing.

Lmao ok.

Usually when people town read someone they like need an actual reason.
Or you know, the read is flawed or fake.