Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

Up to you!

I already claimed myself. :man_shrugging:

just came here to inform that i’ll be playing more tomorrow lol. today’s been a rough day

i also saw this and i don’t like it ngl, can someone explain?

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If you read Kabazame’s posts you’ll have a better understanding of the top wagon, they don’t have too much posts.

You could also read my posts but I’ve been posting allot that it’ll probably take awhile to find all my points on Cyanide

Talking about mechanics isnt like exclusively mafia, but if its something that they are only doing it does look bad.

Im against mass claiming, always will be snd no setup will change that nor will my aloignment or if im pr or vanilla.

Is it based on how it “ruins the game” or…?

Hippie feels townier

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Than true majority

Yes, i absplutely refuse to solve games off of mass claiming. Its a vile tactic and i wont humor it ever for any reason.

I don’t agree with this, I think she’s evaluating the few people who have posted this game

Honestly looking back at your ISO I have no idea what I was saying, maybe Cyanide is Mafia/Jackal who is trying to get as many town sussed as possible
Taking control of the town might be a bad thing…
VOTE: Cyanide

this is scum

Yes I did just change my mind in the course of one post after re-evaluating
That’s just how I play FM

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We should not exe cyanide d1 they’re carrying post count

VOTE: Eliza

I could yell and scream and pout and beg for a lot, and I’d probably get it
But I don’t really have it in me, and I don’t think I do anymore
I’m not going to call you all terrible players cause you’re pushing something you believe in
Goodluck, everyone!
You’ll um
probably need it, won’t you.

I’ll be around, I hope
Whether or not I end up dead I at least enjoyed the game before I got
Horrible food poisoning and other, less savoury things said

VOTE: zorvo either zorvo flips scum or every zorvo accuser doesn’t know what they’re talking about and flips wolf

Hope you get better!

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I’m not quite sure what to think about kiiruma/zorvo, but just meta kiiruma later on, probably, and zorvo will probably get nk’d by the mafia, probably for them thinking jackal aligned
I townread Min/Klaus enough that I’m more confident on them being town