Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

Is it based on how it “ruins the game” or…?

Hippie feels townier

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Than true majority

Yes, i absplutely refuse to solve games off of mass claiming. Its a vile tactic and i wont humor it ever for any reason.

I don’t agree with this, I think she’s evaluating the few people who have posted this game

Honestly looking back at your ISO I have no idea what I was saying, maybe Cyanide is Mafia/Jackal who is trying to get as many town sussed as possible
Taking control of the town might be a bad thing…
VOTE: Cyanide

this is scum

Yes I did just change my mind in the course of one post after re-evaluating
That’s just how I play FM

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We should not exe cyanide d1 they’re carrying post count

VOTE: Eliza

I could yell and scream and pout and beg for a lot, and I’d probably get it
But I don’t really have it in me, and I don’t think I do anymore
I’m not going to call you all terrible players cause you’re pushing something you believe in
Goodluck, everyone!
You’ll um
probably need it, won’t you.

I’ll be around, I hope
Whether or not I end up dead I at least enjoyed the game before I got
Horrible food poisoning and other, less savoury things said

VOTE: zorvo either zorvo flips scum or every zorvo accuser doesn’t know what they’re talking about and flips wolf

Hope you get better!

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I’m not quite sure what to think about kiiruma/zorvo, but just meta kiiruma later on, probably, and zorvo will probably get nk’d by the mafia, probably for them thinking jackal aligned
I townread Min/Klaus enough that I’m more confident on them being town

I think the lower posters at least contain 1 from each team?

That’s about it for now
It’s kinda nice to not
Want to fight tooth and nail for everything
Please remember we’re a team, that’s probably the only way town wins against two seperate factions

All my accusers stopped voting me except my most recent one Kiiruma.

For the record, Kabazame/Cyanide W/W isn’t out of the question, it can be possible as wolves have a member they know isn’t aligned with them but don’t know who that member is.

Thus why I have been working with others, I am hoping Kiiruma works with me, even if they are a wolf they should be fighting to eliminate the other team.
Technically though if they are a wolf they don’t have to work with me but if they are town they definitely should so I can read them as their alignment and go over their reads because other then their read on me I have no clue what their reads are.

Why did they stop voting

Because I am Town.

Well I mean for them it’s because they both Re-Evaled I am pretty sure.