Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

Ok fair enough his agitation towards you is ai. but i will say

he also thought you were town this game. but i was along side atlas which he even says is a stronger read for him so it probabaly doesnt mean shit

i dont think him OMGUS’ing you is a wolf tell for him. Can you give me more idea’s on why kiiruma could be a wolf?

What does ate mean…

It didn’t work cause no one used it.
And it was proven that it would work way better if it was used.

Can next person to post, instead of posting run down 700 posts in thread to check if there was any jackal signaling going on?
We are talking about indirect signaling, without directly stating it, but what could be taken as jackal talking to jackal who doesn’t know them.

I can try i mean i was gonna do a re read anyway to get a read list going…

i will say if cyanide does flip wolf i would have a better vision of zorvo

unironically however had a deep thought on this. and would like anyone to pitch in. i think zorvo is either town or jackal. like i dont see his posts being scum alligned unless he likes to push hard and fast as scum as well (Please tell me if this is meta i couldnt find a zorvo wolf game). but i dont see why he puts in mech and JACKEL. wouldnt it have just been fine to put in mech? (there you go eevee)

i like this post. why does iceT spark more joy in mafia then botc where i am just scared of him constantly

like this catch.

@Cyanide Question! you are alt and have been around enough to know hippo and zorvo’s meta (and zorvos name) so you have been around. did you know me and kiiruma were friends before this game? or were you playing a fool here/didnt know.

Hi exist I’m hazard

(Adhd break)

I mean, do bare in mind that this game there are 2 separate wolf factions.
It helps Zorvo be more innocent but it’s not guaranteed.

I will state (since Hazard already did a bit of this) that Zorvo signalling to me isn’t Jackal signalling to Jackal, as I am not one myself (Wish I was, it seems cool af. Plus then I’d know a mafia member and I’d already planned out ways I was gonna signal everything if I was part of the Jackal team :frowning: )

“Check notes.”

I have definetly used it…
Baker and Kiiruma have done so too.

It backfired way too hard.

I mean, to be fair mafia were convinced I was one of the PRs for a bit in that game.
Worked quite well

Better is not locked.
And as i said lower in that block text he could very much be jackal

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Yes, but, in that world Zorvo’s jackal signalling is likely towards me.
And I’m not Jackal team myself, wish I was.
As I said I’d already planned so much for it :frowning:

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? I dont think anyone said you were being signalled to?

If you look at who Zorvo’s replying to with his signal, it was to me :stuck_out_tongue:

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OH WAIT! Nvm i got you. Sorry i didnt get your thinking for a sec.

Tell me seriosly. Wouldn’t you tell the same, if your were alligned with the Jackals?

It’s not like you can win, if you publicly claim to be Neutral-alligned…

No, I wouldn’t.
I’d probably have started my signalling, as I already have planned out what it’d be.
The idea of… Oh wait, I’m not gonna say that here, am I?

Why is this a topic of discussion right now?

If you want a serious answer:
Because eevee asked for us to look for Jackal signalling.
You looked for it.
I explained about the fact that something that could’ve been signalling is less likely to be so due to it being directed towards me.
I then further explained that I had my own plans for signalling.
Marluna then questioned whether I’d be acting as I have been right now if I was Jackal team anyway, so I responded.

It has been on 1 topic of conversation

Anyway to move on from that topic, let’s just think what our preferred move is right now.

ISO diving is all well and good and I’m happy to do it but honestly I usually love being able to do things when we’ve already had a flip :stuck_out_tongue: Makes things easier haha