Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!


I was more referring to this jokey answer to what i am guessing was marluna’s serious answer.

Starting to explain how you would tell and what you would tell.

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I wish i could think like that. The anxiety of being wrong is to great

If you think about it, it’s a good answer, to be honest. (Well, it’s NAI, but generally a good answer.)

Thinking is hard tho.

alright im finally here. catching up (and if you dont hear from me in an hour, yell at me pls)

raji seems just completely uninterested in the game. dont know what this means but someone else may

i honestly dont mind this response to my statement

here. my gut still tells me something is off by cyanide did have a good comeback

and i thought i liked to mech solve. in all retaliation tho this seems… townie? does eevee put this much effort in to protesting for a mass claim if they were wolf?

and here is where my read changes on cyanide. up to hear i was fine but this feels way too hedgy… everyone is fine or okay or meh. like she has neutral views on everyone and trying to be friendly with everyone

i think the irony behind this message is that this feels like a filler message talking about filler messages. in short dont like it

dont agree. feel like zorvo’s post flow fine.

(Also forgot i was doing this to follow eevee’s advice and look for jackal calls. fuck)

FUCK HE EXISTS. didnt even know he was in the game

first call out

no matter how small

dont know if this is a joke or not… i havent really played with pigeon ever

love how i can find min through the nya’s

sounds legit XD i dont know if min has pulled this type of shit before. but actually how is this the first time they noticed the multiball effect i feel like the jackal was talked quiet a bit before this point.

soap opera plot

they have played here once before what do you mean usually?

to my pervious point with not knowing me and kiiruma are friends. this post shows they know kiiruma before this game.

i dont think i have seen hippo this upset. i mean i have only played like 3 games with them. dont know what this says tho

zorvo and kiiruma obviously not w/w from their interactions

i like this message.

flip like a light switch i guess

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i feel like i read so much but am still so lost on what to do. i dont like Cyanides later game but their start of game isnt the worse. Zorvo has had rollercoaster of reads for me but i dont think they are scum. pigeon i dont like their interactions all game. hold on

like this feels like such a light switch moment its not funny

hazard talking to the dark again… i miss not having an aussie friend


I remember poison having literally 2 PRs lynched.

I will iso Cyanide if he is still a wagon closer to EoD.

i agree with this
not because he’s talking about mech but i don’t think he’d go so hard to push the mass claim idea

most of the thread is just mech talk so i’m going to skip over that

this seems like a T!Eliza post to me
afaik they’re still kind of meek as a wolf (please correct me if i’m wrong) and given Cya’s status back when this post was made she seemed like an aggressive player, and i don’t think Eliza would have the guts to challenge that. unless i’m underestimating her wolf game

i can understand how Cya’s dropping though. but i still hold the notion that the way she was playing early game is town-indicative (and rn i’m going like 70% principles and 30% analysis)

if Cya is a wolf then it’s pretty obvious that she came in trying to powerwolf
not sure what the sudden shift in tone means
smth smth rule of 3

same my friend </3 same. but we’re here to fix our mistakes and that’s what matters

Icet speaking out my thoughts while i was gone. good vibes <3

pretty sure Cya is a she

and ehh i don’t really agree with the wagon. again, principles

Town lean
Kiiruma (i am unsure still fully about this choice)

Wazza (Tight rope)
Chiro(tight rope)
Hippo (Tight rope)

Scum lean
Imp man
Pigeon Nyc

Tightrope is hazard wording for one slip and they fall to scum :D

I dont like Cyanides late game today but their start of game is giving me butteflies. like they seemed fine to me earlier untill people started pointing things out. Jarek i think i may have tunneled a bit on. And i dont really wanna vote impman for the sake of it… Pigeons quick change of read tho just fucking bugs me. defending then one quick relook and it becomes a push…
fuck why do i fucking play this stupid game all it does is give me anxiety.

fuck it send it goodnight
VOTE: thepigeonnyc

I not only knew, nor was I playing the jester
Being uncomfortable with someone you know would be more likely to make you scum

If I wanted to give a six

i’ll be happy if three on that list is scum

I don’t think kii/wazza are in their scummeta, at least d1
Icet’s difference from their earlier games worries me
Kaba didn’t return with his iso on me, but nevertheless I have to encourage pushes in such a small game
I liked zorvo’s push on me, but see how he reacts after I die
I like Rajidae’s slot for evident reasons
Hazard is fine enough, for me
I’ve liked the moogle slot of day one
Jarek had a total of one post that I liked, sooo
Marluna/Impman are about the same level

Cyanide (4): Hippopablompoyeetus, Kabazame, ElizaThePsycho, thepigeonnyc
Zorvo (2): Kiiruma, IcetFeelsPain
Hippopablompoyeetus (1): Rajidae
Kiiruma (1): Zorvo
ElizaThePsycho (1): Cyanide
Frostwolf103 (1): eevee
Jarek (1): Wazza
thepigeonnyc (1): Hazardwaste

Sorry im here now

Didn’t say it was, I was saying it’s normal for them thus don’t think it’s Townie for them.

My issue with Ice is their vote on me is flawed.

These aren’t reads Kiiruma, wtf.

Also not fucking reads.

Mother fucker and the rest are other Mech shit and I am skimming and it involves talk about Jackel and I think myself and I think he said I am signalling to them but If I was Jackel, I am not, but if I was wouldn’t that mean he’s claiming to be Jackel aligned?

Heres my thing on this, i feel like if there stuff that people pointed out that you didnt notice theres a higher chance in your eyes cyanide is probably fine.