Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

Frost who you gunning for

because ambusher just makes sense if we assume eliza is town which is most likely

The first town kill is suspicious to me. moogle wasnā€™t leading things, and claimed to be new. why would you shoot the newb over anyone else? Zorvo was death tunnelling Kiiruma and vice versa I think that kill says something. It might have been mafia fishing for a PR that was hiding but itā€™s more likely that they didnā€™t want to disturb anything I think, maybe the drama between Kiiruma/Zorvo being T/T and they wanted a quiet kill to let that fire keep going?

The lookout kill could be an ambusher but then weā€™re missing a factional kill if they did. They should have double killed with factional + Ambush kill right? So why didnā€™t they.

I voted d1.

And as in vote on main wagons? I didnā€™t support them.
Iā€™m sorry, but for me it looked like tons of kids running around, shouting whatever comes to mind.
In reality the whole begulier stuff had traction, cause 6 non-town were not really caring about Zorvo lynch reasoning. So the whole image I had of kids running around was caused by theirs attitude of ā€œyeah, yeah, you are correct, they are good lynch, whateverā€.

^ This is a thread read, not specific person read.

Raj wanted wanted Zorvo, Me, Pigeon, Cyanideā€¦basically everyone who has flipped town or I think is town/non-mafia dead in some way or another or at least had some negative read on them with wazza and eevee itā€™s been positive or at least neutral from their iso, I could easily be reading into nothing when I say that however

It was either that or consig checked Eliza, which also is unlikely.
And ambusher is more or less confirmed the moment Eliza wasnā€™t blocked.

consig checked Ice*


Mafia Head - ā€œambusherā€
Mafia Support - Consigliere
Random Mafia - Mafioso
Random Mafia - Beguiler

It works



Pretty sure it will stop the factional attack and let the ambusher do the killing.

I do have a feeling about Eevee on what heā€™s about.

Why doesnā€™t that make sense to you, thereā€™s a beguiler as itā€™s been claimed everywhere D2, itā€™s a mafia tactical slot so it has to be RM there isnā€™t a mafia tactical in the role-list otherwise

I threw consig in there because you suggested it, it still fits right now so itā€™s possible but the last mafia weā€™re missing has to be a support role regardless


Side option was jackal trained escort.

But Consort + Ambusher is easier explanation to mafia support and lack of roleblock.
As in mafia support is guaranteed, there is no cleans, lack of roleblock on Eliza the night there would be ambush on them and so on just fits into the general ā€œimageā€ of the game.

I have 2 ideas rn.

Zorvo flipped town

Beguiled is still POSSIBLE tho


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Speaking of which, this does kinda defeat the point that Zorvo is protected by mafia as mafia member itself, isnā€™t?