Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

Your right.
Perhaps it doesn’t.

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In a three-way tie?

30 mins before EoD…

I don’t see this coming from a neutral killer.

Zorvo isn’t planning to hold the vote on themselves, If they did it right before EOD, sure.

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My thread has been upset for quite some time, posts are flickering in and out of my realm of viewablility

Let Jarek be.

They are either scared wolf or spite villager.

Cyanide (3): Kabazame, ElizaThePsycho, thepigeonnyc
Zorvo (3): Kiiruma, IcetFeelsPain, Jarek
Jarek (2): Wazza, Rajidae
thepigeonnyc (2): Hazardwaste, Frostwolf103
ElizaThePsycho (1): Cyanide
Frostwolf103 (1): eevee

Not Voting (6): Marluna, Chihiro, ImpMan, mooglefanclub, Hippopablompoyeetus, Zorvo

You know you can unvote by just typing “[unvote][/unvote” right?

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VOTE: Zorvo

I’m making reads on people as I think that they should be read.
My apologies?

I know, thought you could use more work.


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Sorry, I might be missunderstanding then.

Youo said that them not providing reads can work either alignment (either non caring or wolf avoiding it). But also that theirs hesitation to provide reads is leaning scum.

Is it different or you are just in general saying “it’s null-scummy”?

And could you please explain the wolf read on your slot being scummy. Why couldn’t it come from town?
Was it theirs method of defense for you? The infamous “OMGUS”?

Attempting to kill yourself is only worth the measure if you think you will guilt a villager tonight. That is not the case in your situation, as you have stated otherwise

Yeah but you townread them from the wall post of ISO’s?
Since you brought up Frost, let’s talk about your new read! :upside_down_face:

Okay, hear me out right.

You are telling me that Pigeon is probably town, just not 100% sure. You did vote Jarek lastly when we talked about this.

C’mon let’s chat buddy. :clap:

VOTE: Pigeon

No I think the way you heel turned on me because I didn’t believe you is really really really suspicious. I’m not you and I’m not in your headspace or role-card. I have my own reads, I’ve read and missed parts of the thread you have and haven’t. Instead of assuming I’m evil for not believing you immediately, you’d do well to at least try and understand where I am coming from.

I didn’t immediately call you evil for being wrong in my POV I don’t see why you’d do all this for that alone

You realize I’m not against Jarek, but arguing for you, right?

VOTE: Cyanide

Get the hell out!

Zorvo, please.