Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

i still believe in them
it is PLAUSIBLE that zorvo is not scum

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50% chance Jailor is in the game over Mayor

50% chance after that that Vigilante is in this game over Firebrand

75% chance we have a TK role that has guilt that can deal with Zorvo

Also RT can roll TK (it probably didnā€™t tbh but this is setup speculation)

and in the Firebrand world with Mayor keeping Zorvo alive isnā€™t the worst decision either

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does this message mean you support Zorvoā€™s execution

What it means that I find your vote hilarious when you realised something.

is chirorio chad

zorvo has mentioned chad multiple times and I kept thinking it was a misspelling of cyan

Iā€™m stretching

if Chihiro is chad and Zorvo busses and Zorvo is scum I think this can be w/w

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Then wtf was the po8nt of hringing them up if they arent ceetain that zorvo is scum???

ā€¦ because i still believe in them?

PLAUSIBLE does not mean LIKELY

Wait what does me being chad have to do with this read?

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No no, continue on what ever youā€™re doing.

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Im just lost is all because at first you seemed certain then you dropped that u arent certain which makes 0 sense is all which is why im skeptical.

Either way ur probably just town pr i think unless this is some gut read or something.

Crazy part is i actually never got an answer to either of those questions when i ssked lol.


I wouldnā€™t call you scum based on your quotes alone. It only looks bad when paired with this

im playing like zorvo has flipped scum already

what am I going to do when they flip town

I feel like this setup was perfect for a neopolitician except the fact none of the Mafia are vanilla

I donā€™t blame others if I do.

Now Preferably I donā€™t want to die.
However, ironically if all Shitizens die and no other roles what will end up happening is wolves will just kill each other and give town an auto win.

Ill be honest the worst looking part of everything you posted/done is the pity self vote.

If anything makes you scum its that, cause town has no reason to act like that. It comes off as if your mafia trying to buy pity points.