So I implore the players to just not hardclaim the mafia team as mafia jackal unless it’s like really optimal for whatever reason
Its clearly to kill both mafia and town
What, you think the jackals are dumb enough to pull enemy within on these guys this time?
bro if you hardclaim the entire mafia team as a jackal I am siding with the mafia and killing the jackals first to spite you
The fact that jackals don’t own chat with the rest of jackals means they have to find their allies blindly
Yeah but that’s just mean
That and like
If you out the Mafia as jackal and they die
That’s a lot of KPN off the board
So town has far more chances to wipe out your remaining 2 teammates
Skill issue
The fact that I spared Eliza in Ai Upick from her perspection slip on her rolecard being colored despite thats not true makes me believe this was not mafia
And I was right, turns out she is the ticket to my Final 5 victory
Both jackals and mafia benefit from executing like Jackal mafia or main jackal that gives them ability for double attack / enable hidden attack since its clear that town jackal doesnt start as power/killing
Hey, Jarek’s the Jackal, I worked it out.
It’s hysterical, innit?
maybe-stupid balance question, if the last living mafia member is the Mafia jackal recruit, do they still control the Mafia factional kill?
Grats on managing that one
Sounds normal to me like I used to do
:( olivest is sad
Literally the sadness from your pfp
I believe you.
I am a very trustworthy fellow. I have never told a lie today.