Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Signups (18/18) - FULL

I am a big pinocchio

You donā€™t even have a face.

@Marshal how do u feel


Your glasses arenā€™t even on your ears

I donā€™t see how that relates to the topic of Pinocchio.

Je ne vois pas comment Ƨa est reliƩ Ɣ Pinocchio

2 people join pls

Why is mafioso the only unique non mafia leader role

Doesnt that mean jackal has less claim

Jackal not being able to claim Mafioso without cc moment


Jackal sounds like a troll role tbh.

You also forget the recruits are town/mafia roles with jackal wincon

/spec also

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This is literally like ur original enemy within


Except at least this time the OP says that there mafia traitors


For those who dont know frost once hosted a closed rolemadness game where a member of the mafia was secretly a cultist working with 2 town members and was loyal to the cult as only wincon.

Mafia had no idea they existed lol


As soon I saw the sub-title for this game, I know this is going to be homage about my setup.

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Not long after you hosted it the idea of a review team was first brought up

Im sure thats just a coincidence tho


what was frostā€™s setup

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This idea of Town vs Mafia vs Cult also means that the cult also have member(s) in the mafia team as well.

This is before Town of Salemā€™s traitor mode.

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