True Majority FM - GAME OVER - Town Victory!

Happy defeat & birthday to you ^^

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Yeah, you are in bad position by EoD2 when you prompt me to hammer this.

The slip by Kiiruma is cherry on top.

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hippo when he activated frost’s trap card

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Ah you didn’t?

Mafia aren’t doing bad, but town won’t go down with loss of one leader

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Thats just step one, what about from step two to thirteen?

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I wanted the hammer asap as at that point there was only 2 wagons

And then achro came along and ruined it anyway lmao


with this game i am pretty sure town have more wins this year than wolves which is literally unheard of on this site


The previous game hasn’t been tallied yet.

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You also hoped the rest of town would followed Achro when he did voted Tutuu.

You killed baker despite the risks you are going to get executed after Tutuu

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@Chloe pls update the list of games thread so i can screenshot this historic moment

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But of course I know exactly what I must be doing


Achro ruins everything gg

Poor bean.

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it was tied after lackadaisy but since then town have won two and wolves have won one

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i have 300% town winrate on fol so far (my first win it was 100% then on the second it doubled so now it tripled)

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wait am dumb if it was tied after lackadaisy then that means town had more before that game

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Sorry about that Apo, it took some research on ISO (shocking) to figure out the remaining mafia as well social deduction

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you know catspeak?

I know how I call them for food, if thats what you ask


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lmaooo so cute