True Majority FM - GAME OVER - Town Victory!

whats abyss

tales of the abyss fm

I was not there

9v4 it is

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Donā€™t be that is all. Read her normally ignore the new thing.

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Top tier distancing
L + ratio

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Iā€™m drunk btw so enjoy my catch up now with 70% more alcohol

Smells like

anime Sniff - Sniff


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This does smell like TMI

I donā€™t need to read I just wait for zenon to spam and then read what she reacts to and see if I agree. This is such a bullshit read from Hazard LMAO. Thatā€™s not how to read Kiiruma at all.

VOTE: Hazard

Hazard is an interesting wagon

Iā€™m not opposed to it because I donā€™t have a read on hazard, but Iā€™m not familiar enough with kiiruma to agree that hazard is expressing tmi

show me one game where he is evil where he doesnt say the line.

ā€œOh no hazard are you evilā€ or ā€œi am only not voting you cause i want you to be goodā€

Oh baby your in for a treat when i have 1000 posts and you say Iā€™ve done nothing with them like everyone always does

Ope frost is hereā€¦ Iā€™m about to tunnel

Por que no los dos

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Achro. you know how many games i have played with kiiruma. for most of last year i played botc with him nearly every day. why would i create a bullshit read when it is very well known i am good friends with kiiruma :P that just sounds like me hurting myself more then anything

Nobody. Itā€™s just Achro

Achro is easy

Kill them if they are alive D3 and havenā€™t killed a wolf

GGs. Next.

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Smells like TMI and trying to hide it by knowing Kiiruma.

I know the texture of your soul, Hazard. You cannot fool me. The whole point of TMI is in theory it makes kind of sense, but youā€™re not the type of town to confidently assert things like ā€˜name me one game where he hasnā€™t done this!ā€™ You are too certain. Because you are weak. So you are feigning strength. Because you are a wolf. As a proud villager you are humble and willing to consider things much more closely. I have danced with you amongst the stars, Hazard. I have seen you grow and bloom before my eyes. You are my cute kouhai, and I enjoy playing with you.

But I am also sorry for your rand.


Okay I choose Hazard for my first shot at killing a wolf. You canā€™t kill me day 3 if you donā€™t let me try to kill the wolves I want. Which in the last game was Prince and then Grant so Iā€™d have had 2 dead in 2 days over there.

Time to ball my friend.