True Majority FM - GAME OVER - Town Victory!

It was tutuu

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You don’t remember who drew Suspicion from it?

I can see three worlds atm



One or two in ApoThau/Zenon/Achro/Hazard with one or two in Kii/Hippo

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I could be off 1 in each but it is pretty much coming together nicely in my head

Since there are 10 hours left till EoD1 it is time for my reveal and take this game to next stage. I expect 3 mafia executions in a row from this.

I claim Rabble Rouser (Marshall). I am enacting double elimination and it will be enabled at the start of D2.

I am activating double execution starting D2.
@Zone_Q11 @Leafia

First voting session will end half of D2 and the second voting session ends EoD2. We will get two lynches.

  1. @baker
  2. @Hippopablompoyeetus
  3. @Frostwolf103
  4. @Kiiruma
  5. @Apocryphal
  6. @Hazardwaste
  7. @Zenon
  8. @Achromatic
  9. @Kabazame
  10. @IfGodCouldDie
  11. @IcetFeelsPain
  12. @tutuu
  13. @beancat

I can’t use this ability on XyLo - it would be a misplay to holster this any longer.

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Oh. Guess this is gonna be a quick game then

Interesting. My first thought is that probably isn’t a scum role

Do we get the first flip after 24 hours or do both flips happen at EoD?


If we end up executing 3 town players and we see 2 to 3 NK’s on town slots by the end of N2, we will be at 4v3 or 3v4. I don’t think we are in a 4v9 game so whoever was taking part in 3v10 vs 4v9 earlier is sus

I dont see a scum role give town extra opportunity to kill scum

With your role there’s no chance it’s 9v4 imo

I don’t see how that’s sus though because no one knew about your role earlier, and scum would know how big their team is and wouldn’t need to speculate on the setup

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Good question

It doesn’t state when are flips revealed but it pretty much explains it like the following:

There will be double execution, once at the end of first half of day phase and other at the end of second half of day phase.

I assume we get a flip on spot

@baker Just for clarification. this starts tomorrow and one execution will be halfway through the day the other will be at the end?

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so execution per every real life day?

That’s where I am at too but you never know we may have doctors, vigs and swappers etc etc

I am expecting a very volatile N1 and N2

Correct. We get 24 hour for each execution. Votes will reset after first one hits 24 hour mark or majority.

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Ok so baker is town nice

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beancat looking worse tbh

Mathematically, my role claim can be FPS.

If I were mafia and were to trick town into voting someone off before 24 hours tomorrow, it will take away 24 hours of discussion from town. That is potentially 4 town eliminations for 1 mafia elimination from this play if town doesn’t yeet mafia today and tomorrow.

However, there is no reason as to why I would go for such play under current circumstances and town benefits more from trusting my claim today and see the host announcement tomorrow.

If I were to holster this power any longer, it would be harmful for town wincon and it would help mafia wincon.

What does FPS mean?