True Majority FM - GAME OVER - Town Victory!

Perhaps my role can’t just investigate you, nerd :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway my prediction is bean is town who doesnt care about the game. We yeeted them day one in need for speed for this. No way to really know for sure but i think beam tends to care a little more as scum because he has buddies.

Not really concerned if people disagree i guess since its kind of a rand slot and bean is hard to sort anyway. A little underwhelmed that 3 people think this is the best choice for a day one though if it flips town. The wagon i am pretty sure, counting bean, is not 4 town

Yeah but town has one lol

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I can see the argument but Bean seems even more disengaged than in Need for Speed. And it just seems off to me.

Like there at least we got something. Here it’s literally been pop ins.

I dont think Hazard is scum, i dont remember what they
Were specifically last time i played with them but i dont remember them being so woe is me.


Are… you scum?

Brcause this feels made up. Can you guess why?

They were sk. So a bit hard to say if them being different is actually bad here for them being town lmao

I’m town, I like my role.
Think it’s probably one of the more unique ones.
I didn’t make up the thing on Bean but if you wanna think I did, go for it.

I will just say.

Bean had 4 posts and like 2 of them were catchup promises or something.

Trying to say that was more engaged is stretching it a lot lmao

No one with more than 8 posts pinged you? Not a single one?

I have doubts three town can all believe this unless the rand wolf chance hits. Which hey bean isnt playing ao it mah be worth the info

Man you probably are town kiiruma. Only you would say that shit

Do you think hazard tmi’d you? It felt like it. But you know him better

If i told you bean was town would you think one of zenon or tutuu could be scum?

Uh, honestly I wouldn’t be too surprised if a wolf is skating by on executing Bean, if Bean is good.

As for Hazard, idk if it’s TMI. He just kinda knows me? Like FAM 3 shows he knows how to read me sometimes

VOTE: hazardwaste

Thats true it just felt like he came to the conclusion pretty fast and felt more confident than he usually does. I will see past games to compare it just made me head tilt is all.

Who do you think is more likely to be scum in worlds bean is town? Zenon or tutuu?

Good morning tutuu

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Tutuu more likely than Zenon. I think Tutuu has flip flopped a bit, kinda just being happy with most people being executed.

Im trying to please the picky pretty princess achro

yesss join me Sir…


thoughts on my accusations Chris you know him better than I do

I still dont think hazard is mafia but shrug