True Majority FM - GAME OVER - Town Victory!

Yes but

why are you trying to please me, I could be a wolf lol

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Kiiruma is a weird one my friend. The scummier you think he is from an objective POV the townier he actually is. We’ve seen a few of those, yeah? He puts in more effort as scum in terms of looking ‘clean’ and will also usually TMI his buddies. I caught him day 1 in another game here - hells echos - so he hellbussed and claimed watcher d2. Town let him live…way too long after that, but I have also buddied with him in genie 13 and I have so far been able to find him town pretty fast. I know what you’re seeing, and it’s probably good for your town odds, but this is kiiruma faking his town meta pretty ok if he is scum lmao @Kabazame

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I expressed my grievences with u

The consensus seems to be that u are to die later if u dont kill a wolf

Ppl arent interested in solving u and u further removed the incentive by saying that ppl dont have to socially read u

So what exactly am i supposed to do here other than hope ur town and hope ur reads are right

Okay, maybe a town sentiment.

Also what grievances I missed those

and yeah it sucks when I bring so much utility to town so it is hard to kill me early if you think I am wolfing. Sorry about that there shouldn’t really be golden geeses in most games but with unequal skill in games some plans are just unprudent.


And an addendum here @Achromatic



Because it would give me immense satisfaction if despite me claiming to be the most useless role to night kill, mafia decided to night kill me anyway just for the mere glimmer of hope that I was lying.

Mafia is for fun, after all. And if one of you die I get to not have to think about you anymore, and it helps my POE.

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By the way mafia,

I am not lying. This really is just me having fun. This post will be quoted to you day 2 if I am killed lmao.

In fact just to be clear in case they have an anti claim.

If I am killed I may continue to post, but I will no longer have a vote.

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Let me make a note here that double execution is only active tomorrow - D2. I am not sure yet if we will get it for D3, most likely not.

Also we should be ignoring every self resolving role claim from now on because town already has an IC reveal.

All role claims and crumbs should be in one basket together with vanilla claims. Any role spec to manipulate voting stage at this point is obv wolfing.

-1 to ApoThau and Tutuu

If anyone claims Vanilla in a rolemadness game they can die (/s)

What ic reveal?

Im not sure i understand the rest of the post too

maybe talking about my stump if I die

There are no self resolving claims on the table. None of you are self resolving. Self resolving role claim is a cop claim for instance

I suppose and there is a pretty significant diffetence between me going after a player that is SK and you going after a player that is mafia.

Achro claiming treestump and a player revealing as innocent child has nothing in common

Arguably achro is self resolving by nature of his name

I still have no idea what baker meant in that post

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I mean, it is beneficial for us if we treated me like one. If you want to throw yourself into that hole instead then that will be on you.

My main point there is to ignore claims and continue playing based on reads. Which is similar to the point you made anyway and quite opposite of what ApoThau was suggesting with their “let’s keep achro alive until d3 mid day yeet”. I was only mentioning it is wolfy to focus on information here.

Do you really care about the -1 on you?

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I am not claiming self resolving but you can’t deny that I am playing for town wincon so you shouldn’t be wasting your energy on me. I think your brain power is more valuable to provide a good solve for us today/tomorrow than to figuring out if baker is lying about their alignment