True Majority FM - GAME OVER - Town Victory!

A mechanical claim such as mine is only useful as long as I flip with what I claim to have received.
Therefore either I am a wolf who is pulling off this play with assumedly 2 wolves off-wagon (including myself)

Or I am telling the truth about knowing for a fact that there was 1 wolf on wagon.
Came out, risking being claim-vigged and here we are now~

Gameā€™s too small for a claim vig tbh

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Role madness of this size is basically balanced around swing, this is either gonna be a town stomp or mafia stomp

And weā€™ve already flipped one mafia

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Thatā€™s what Iā€™m hoping is the case. But tis not certain.

After all, if there were no anti-claim mechanics then the game might be relatively easy to solve if town just pools all our information together.

Reason for the hmmmm is because I donā€™t like hippoā€™s posts, full stop.

But I trust Achro that if Hippo gets his footing, heā€™s a strong help to town


idk from the two roles that have flipped + mine i feel like zone just tried to see what the lowest power rolemadness he could make was

But why not kill Baler last night then?

Two town led executions in a day is strong

I mean my is the most one trick pony out there. but in terms of the added rule its not that bad. i think that goes the same with most of these characters. they seem weak if you dont account for true majority ruling


Definitely going for a theme with the abilities though

Imagine claiming your role tbh

(Though, main reason Iā€™m not claiming mine, is because I donā€™t exactly plan on using it)

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1 achro-led execution > 2 town led executions

Itā€™s fine. Achro votes off wagon today.
So we know who to vote tomorrow.

Thatā€™s because Achro has an absurd power level compared to FoL ngl


Apoo for the love of god

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Most of those were day 1!

the second player is only below 200 words!


Iā€™m not post capped and I am Hyped