Two Rooms and a Boom - Game Over, Draw

I would’ve enjoyed the concept more but I was immune to it and then I was just having to watch people try to utilise conversion to make it so a team just couldn’t win and I was like ‘Now I have this perspective… fuck this’


Guess I gotta make that 100 word post in cookie thread now.


Needs heavy role list work


I proposed a list but I don’t think the given characters can solve the crux of the issue
We’ll have to home brew, say, “Red / Blue Mastermind”


Yeah, Brak had me fooled and I was blue
Which is probably not a great thing, but like me/Brak had the awkward situation of not being able to any sort of info exchange between ourselves lmao


This was my solve yesterday btw!! I was not lying when I said Zug & Marshal had more info than I did

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gg i carried that draw

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(I think explicitly giving Zug the choice between “attempt to win” or “end the game in a draw” very publicly was a very bad idea and put him in a bad position, FTR. It shouldn’t be his responsibility to Not Make People Upset by choosing not to go for a win - it’s awkward, it gets unnecessarily personal, it shouldn’t be position anybody should ever be put in during a mafia game, and so on.

I get offering him the choice to just take a draw, I think that itself was fair, but I think he should’ve been asked privately whether he wanted to make a guess or not, and then if the answer was “yes I want to guess”, then do a public announcement saying “the Mastermind gets to make one last guess, if they win they win, if they lose it’s a draw”, no mention that he was offered the ability to go for a draw. That allows the Mastermind to make the choice whether they want to just accept the draw or not, without having weird social pressures on them to Not Try To Win.)


I think 3Ps just shouldn’t exist
especially ones that make everyone else lose, but honestly normal 3ps are questionable too
maybe with the exception of hot potato and things like that


Here’s the list I proposed
Coy Boy/Coy Boy
Shy Guy/Shy Guy
Blue Security / Red Pirate (optional for playercount shenanigans)
Negotiator/Negotiator (optional for playercount shenanigans)
Informant/Informant (optional for playercount shenangians)
Cult Leader (optional for odd playercounts or if you really want to)

The optinonal roles are organized in order of importance to setup
I think you could swap Agent and Security
I’m renaming Pirate to smuggler
I’m also dubious on cult leader
If player count inflates past the listed count add Angels and then vanillas


Yeah 3ps should only be in for odd counts


or just
dont allow odd counts

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This isn’t a perfect list by any means
It needs anticlaim but

I wanted to stay more hidden as Blue Coy but like… I was kinda being sussed as Red / Red Spy and was being starved of info so had to do something and unfortunately my team wasn’t exactly very forthcoming in room 1 round 1 :stuck_out_tongue:


Mildly curious: how did you learn of me being President?
I claimed only to Tutuu, so I kinda want to trace the pathway of information.

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Yeah that too

like mafia games have a hard cap on players, which means not everyone can play
and that is fine
requiring an even number of players is way way lighter


Yeah that’s fait

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Marshal posted her solve that she posted publicly to me in whispers as soon as round 4 started.


It’s just there for flexibility