Two Rooms and a Boom - Game Over, Draw

reposting my setup idea:

potentially add nerfed agents and/or negotiators instead of vanilla. made filler roles instead of vanillas

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Ah, gotcha
@Marshal, how’d you learn I was President?

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i told it to N1 who told it to her i think

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Cult leader:
Pres bomber doc and engineer are immune to being cultists
Everyone loses individually if they die to cult leader, non cultists still win if their team wins for that

Marshal had an agreement with both ambassadors to learn both the bomber and president to guarantee her win, and then to permenantly claim red shy guy as anti-mm bait

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new fam trivia question just dropped


Or at least had an agreement with me and said they had planned to agree with tutuu as well
I told Marshal that Kanave was bomber

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(i was never in a meeting with marshal and i was uninterested in making deals with neutrals)


okay it was N.1 then


Game needs a lot of homebrew and house rules to function longform but the skeleton is great

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So me → Tutuu → N1 → Marshal → Daeron.

@tutuu did your team ever learn of kanave bomber?

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A lot of greys are good fun!

Butler + Maid
Decoy + Sniper + Target
Romeo + Juliet
Mistress + Wife

Unfortunately Mastermind’s just one of the worst of the options

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N1 told me about it, so yes.

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was that from Marshal as well?


(And, like, it turned out fine because Zug was very kind and gracious and didn’t want to make people upset. But the hosts shouldn’t put players in positions where they have to be very kind and gracious to not make a bunch of people angry. People shouldn’t have to sacrifice their win condition to not be seen as “mean”, that’s a recipe for bad feelings in a game, and offering a gentleman’s agreement to draw in public instead of in private is quite literally asking somebody to sacrifice their win condition to be nice.)


wow! time to never ever trust marshal ever again in a misc


you trust people in games?


I’m the most trustworthy in miscs.
I’d never be a good player who’d join an evil team willingly.