Two Rooms and a Boom - Game Over, Draw

idk what led to this but w/e


nyaaaaaaaaaaa yeah I can imagine how that went :joy_cat:

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Did you know I started red btw

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Yeah. That was pretty funny. Giggles

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Yeah, I still had fun up to the end :ayaya:


Me too.

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Kanave and Leafia told me you started as Red Spy (and I believed this, though I did occasionally have minor tinfoils on it near the end*)


whenever i have to choose between the two in a game of clocktower, i consider it to be a failure of the group as a whole

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top 10 moments before disaster


the tinfoils were mainly because the red teams I was building had an extra player, because I was considering Marshal as red

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Wait. Did Leafia not realise you need to card share with somebody to convert them and therefore Leafia didn’t (and couldn’t) convert Zug?

No they definitely knew

they realized
we talked about how we shouldn’t cardshare in our first whisper, because I shouldn’t be vanillaed

it’s just that I color shared as red and they trusted it

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But Leafia said Zug was 100% on her team.

No, it’s that Leafia had colour shared with Zug. They had communicated to me that “Zug is also on our side.” which immediately rang alarm bells to me - I asked them to confirm 100% and what Zug’s role was, but she broke before I could ask more questions
I think its very funny


this is also part of why Kanave was fine with cardsharing with me btw lol


oh wait i misunderstood

yes we learnt of it after n1 and marshal exchanged info. i didnt know of it when i snatched her on round 2

i could have taken any 2 players from room 1 and i decided on kiiruma and kanave

i thought kiiruma could be the bomber too, he was the 3rd or 4th blue coyboy claim

at some point (maybe while coming home today? or maybe last night idk) I had the thought Marshal might be the MI6 who hadn’t shared with Kanave yet, and was therefore trying to redside

Marshal would’ve had to gambler guess publicly though so in the end that would’ve been resolved


Is this the one full of the guys who decided to stop playing

We were having fun in our room wtf is this