Two Rooms and a Boom - Game Over, Draw

Several of us are probably gonna get warnings / suspensions due to toxicity.


Was brak rlly blue they played well


Eh you’re right we were actually quite civil considering the circumstances


@tutuu did whysper tell you I was red btw

I told her not to it’d be pretty mean if she did

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Can we make publix the toxic chats i am about to have dinner and want somthimg to read


it was relayed to me via n1 yeah

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Also sparknotes on why weve ended jn a draw I dont understand

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Wait you really think it’s that bad?

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i dont think it was that bad, in comparison to what i see getting moderated

there was frustrations but i dont think there were personal attacks, which is the thing that gets moderated

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Did I manage to pocket you before that point

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yeah. between you, zug and kiiruma i trusted you the most

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Also did i make right choice in sending leafia and zug, i was gonna send jane and hazard for a while just cuz i had more faith in them

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This was peak comedy


the discussion was entirely game related
was it a massive disagreement? yes. was it toxic? no, I think you’re within your rights to feel hurt about my opinion (which I had stated was largely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, and I also expressly had said I didn’t blame N.1 or Leafia (and by extension anyone else)) but that doesn’t make the discussion toxic


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fuck you

Might’ve been room 1

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Add me to chat

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Yeah do it
Also add any mods who want to see