Two Rooms and a Boom - Game Over, Draw

yeah lol

good news is that this provided a lot of raw data so that we can make an actually good list

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i can help w/ that if u want

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yeah we’ve already brainstormed some list
our biggest problem is that we need a homebrew anticlaim not 3p character

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here’s what we have so far
one sec

it’s up here
assumedly we would also nerf agent
but ideally we have all of these roles except cult leader
and an anticlaim role, or at least a role that discourages the widespead info spread

This list is good

this is easily the hardest part
ESPECIALLY with doctor/engineer which are otherwise really really good in everything EXCEPT this

My hottake is ambassadors suck more than mm and mm may have been fine without ambassadors

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yeah the ambassadors suck too lol

ambassadors (espec in longform) suck b/c mechanically it is optimal to let them do everything lol


We got lucky both ambassadors were fun and played similarly too. Ambassador roll could be so swingy


yeah lol

idk how you could get an anticlaim to work at all, i get that MM was trying to fit that role kind fo but I just don’t think an anticlaim would really be fun. i feel like a good part of two rooms is that you have a lot of info and you have to find out which are lies, and as either team you need to effectively spread lies and rumors so that you end up getting ur wincon

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well i think its just a longform issue

there was a LOT of misinfo this game

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but it was really easy to cut through
this might be an ambassador issue but

i loved the sheer amount of misinfo btw guys it was so funny

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the cult leader imo is just bad and doesnt work well, since its literally just a survivor but you can also make others lose. not a ton of fun (idk how it played this game tho tbf)

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yeah fair