the first round behind 4-5 hostages is definitely a good thing, since that means 8 or 10 people swap rooms on the first round, but
I think the idea that if the other side learns who the opposing side’s flagbearer is then there’s nothing they can do about it is meh
what’s the vampire role i remmeber seeing that before
oh its dumb
i think it makes it so you always have to agree with the vamp if u card share with them
was werewolf the color one? is there a werewolf
theyre utility is using their ability to do something the leader of the room WOULDNT do, so if youre a red smuggler you want to be with a blue leader, and maybe you force the president to switch into the room with a bomber bc the other room had a blue leader too last time you were there. Vice versa except for staying with the security. I dont think it matters too much which is which
werewolf means u have to honestly answer questions by either of the werewolves
which is weird
this sounds bad
i see
and is it color?
yeah its colored
if u dont know the other werewolf and are infected then u dont have to answer them but
werewolf sounds funny with ambassador
yeahh that’s my biggest issue i think
it combines with
its less of a problem without a confirmed ambassador but
its exceedingly easy to know who the pres/bomber is, especially with doc/engi
which is why pres/bomber have to be really careful
but the game is kinda bad if it gets publicly outted
maybe its just a skill issue on the president and bomber’s part
yes thats why I crossed it out but the fundemental idea is there
as president/bomber i would always turn down a full card share until i color share or have reached the doc/engie