Two Rooms and a Boom - Game Over, Draw

obviously not literally always

is there anything inherently wrong with allowing pres & bomber to be able to bluff any colour and card?

this is also generally good play though so

any card is probably wrong
but any color might be ok

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that’s a big fundamental change i’d have to mull over

it could help anti-poe efforts that’s for sure

if you allow them to bluff any card, pres/bomber cannot be poe’d completely by mech

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well the problem there is that it becomes functionally impossible
the ideal is that you have a small poe, i think, but no one on the opposite team knows for sure (or at least no one who can card share lol)

sort of like mafia

card sharing the president card to the bomber sounds really funny


allow pres/bomber to choose a blue/red card at the beginning of the game. the player that is actually that card learns the pres/bomber chose this. the pres/bomber is allowed to truthfully bluff that card

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its funny in concept but in practice i think it results in a game over for the blue team

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I dont think letting them bluff any color or card is a good idea, bc then (with any card) will just get into a double claim with someone and u have to wifom who the actual person is, and with color it just makes color shares feel kind of worthless bc u already have the spy and then the pres/bomber on top of that

Can’t the blue team just hold onto the president?

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idk about the 2nd bit but the other things are interesting

Idk how the meta works

alternatively you could bury a card of each color and the president can bluff it

what about the 2nd idea?

well yeah but for this to happen they’re already in the same room

im still not sure this is good, though