UFO Sighting Main Thread - Game Over (Aliens Win.)


I’m not sure what you mean here.


I just got up and I’m still half asleep. I’m going to miss things. That has already been established.

The ram emoji is two lines below the GG. Like this



What part of I’m very tired due to just getting up don’t you understand? Besides, what proof do you have that only town recieved that? None at all.


Is Magnus not? I can’t tell if he was trying to trap with the :ram: or not

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It’s my ability.

I’ve made this unbelievably obvious.

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Wait so you’re not a singer

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leafia knowjng that their team sent the message and therefore didn’t connect the dots when she received that transmission

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I hate this. I still think I have something here.

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Por que no los dos

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If you’re scumreading Leafia, who would you substitute in your solve if Leafia flipped evil?

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Don’t make me laugh Jarek. I’m going to react like this towards it regardless of alignment. Also,I am in no way, shape, or form pushing Neon. I’m not even voting for them.

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TBF it’s kind of hard to push me lol

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I figured neon sent it

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Please stop this right now. I highly doubt it was an ability that sent it.

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You’re pushing back against what they’re saying is what I mean I should really word my sentences more appropriately. And maybe you do behave like this and it’s NAI but I’m choosing to believe it is.

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What? I’m just supposed to agree with Neon that I’m a wolf?

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Ah, my bad, it looks like Neon is responsible for this.

that made me laugh and it probably wasn’t supposed to be funny but what I’m saying is your kinda just saying “no that’s not true” and not really doing anything else but I guess i can understand it considering Neon’s claim(?)


What else can I do regarding Neon’s BS push on me?

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im not 100% sure if this makes leafia scum